Yeah, it bloody is

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Alice's pov
"Promise you'll write." Dray tells me.

"Every week." I kiss him goodbye.

Theo immediately hugs me tight. "I love you, princess. I'll write whenever I can." He says.

"Good. Keep yourself safe." I hug him tighter. "And, Theo, you should leave. Your father is watching." I state.

Theo looks at the man and kisses my forehead.

"Goodbye." He whispers and leaves.

"I'll miss you, Enzo." I hug him.

"It's okay, I'll write to you. It's not like I have anything better to do."  He chuckles.

"Yeah, because there isn't anything better then speaking to me. So, exchanging letters will have to do." I joke.

Enzo leaves. I wave my hand to Tom and Mattheo, and they wave back.

"Cheryl!" Ella runs to hug her. Cheryl holds her tight, not letting go.

"I heard what happened." Cheryl whispers to her. Ella begins quietly crying in her arms, whimpering quietly.

"Let's go home." Ben says.

I grab Ella, Ben and Cheryl and appirate us home.
Ella falls down, crying as Cheryl doesn't let go.

"Come on, Ells, you should go to bed." I help her up and walk her to her room.

"Call me if you need anything Ells, even if it's the middle of the night." I state.

"Thanks Alice. Goodnight." She covers herself and turns around in her bed. I close the light and walk back to the living room.

"Alice!" Cheryl giggles. She grabs me into a hug.

"I missed you." I say.

"Let's go outside."

We walk outside to the balcony. The lights of London make it difficult to see any stars at night.

"It's strange, being back home." I say as she pulls out two cigarettes, one for each of us.

"Yeah, it's strange Ella will be here with me next year." She snickers.

"She actually finished school." I say.

"Yeah, and what a horrible ending it was." She frowns.

"It was awful, Cher. His body just payed there in front of everyone. And she just ran forward and I hugged her, I didn't want her getting closer to the body." I inhale smoke.

"Do they know what killed him?" She asks.

"It was him. It was Voldemort. Or at least Harry said it was." I explain.

"If Harry says so, we just believe him." She replies.

"Oh, no, I believe him. I'm just wish it wouldn't have been that way." I say. I wish it wasn't that way, I wish everything was normal, I wish everything was perfect.

"But it was that way. And there is nothing we can do about it, but fight." She pads my back.

"I know," I nod my head, "I discovered something.
There are seven of them. Seven Horcruxes." I state.

"That's awful." She looks down.

"Yeah, it bloody is."

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