If I can trust you

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I get into the room of requirements. I'm going to talk to Regulus today. I'm nervous, but I have to talk to him. I don't even know where to start, do I start with the Horcruxes, with Dumbledore, with the Deathly Hallows, or what?

I still don't even know if this is actually real.

I don't know if the Hallows are legend, or myth, or something true. There are a lot of evidence it is real, but I can't really know u til I try it out.

The room of requirements turns into a quite large room. It has a large window reflecting on the dark room that lets beautiful strips of sunlight into the room.

Apart of that, the room is pretty much empty. It has a table to it's side, right under the large window, and a book shelf beside it.

I think about Regulus, the ring on my finger.

I concentrate, trying to understand how the ring works, how I activate the stone. I close my eyes, and, when I open them, I yelp. A half white, half clear figure appears in front of me.
Not exactly a ghost, not exactly alive.

"Regulus?" I question.

"Hello Alice." My jaw slightly drops as I realize the boy in front of me is in fact Sirius' brother.
He looks eighteen, even younger.

"Hi." I simply say. I'm at a lost for words. It's already snowing outside, winter is coming. It's been almost a year since I found that journal, since I had that dream. Finally, everything I read, everything I researched, is showing results. I've waited so long to talk to him, and now, that I am standing in front of him... in front of his soul, I don't even know what to say.

"I knew that you wear smart enough to realize how to talk to me." He states.

"Uh... yes... why did I... why did you want to talk to me?" I ask, I'm confused, and in shock.

"I knew you'll understand about the Horcruxes and I knew you'll get more knowledge and win the coming war." He explains.

I chuckle, "On your terms right... your side?"

He has a serious look on his face. "Our side," he corrects me, "I know you don't trust Dumbledore as well, your parents never did. I want you to learn more about what he is planning." How I wish it was that easy.

"What makes you so sure that we are on the same side?" I ask him.

"I knew your father, and that's enough for me to know." He speaks confidently, and I know he is right.

"About those... dreams, did you enter my mind?" I ask. I have so many questions for him.

"Yes, I did." He answers my questions.

"And, those dreams, we're they real things that happened?" I continue asking more.

"Yes, and no. Some were, some weren't, some were half real." Bloody hell, why so complicated.

"Which ones were real? And what do you mean half real?" I'm so confused right now. I don't like being confused, I like to know.

"I shouldn't say." Why does he have to make this so difficult?

"Was the one in the cave real? Is that how you died?" I continue pushing the subject.

"Maybe stop with the questions about the dreams. Do you plan to talk to anyone else?" He asks.

I sigh, I really want to know how he died, but I'll have to wait with that.

"Yes, um... James Potter, Morfin Gaunt, um... I don't know who else." I reply.

"Good. You could talk to pretty much any person you'd like if you want." He says. But I know that already, it doesn't help.

"Who else should I talk to?" I question.

Maybe he'll have an idea, something that will actually help me in all of this madness.

"Your grandmother on Edward's side. He told me that she was close to the Drak Lord when they were younger.

Suddenly I remember the conversation I had with Snape and Dumbledore last year. Dumbledore said my grandmother was the one to teach Voldemort proper wandless magic.

"Yes, I've heard so." I pause to think. "About the Horcruxes... do you know what the objects are? And how many are there? You said there are a few, but how many?" I ask. This whole thing is too confusing.

"I don't know how many, and I don't know what the objects are. I know about the locket of Salazar Slytherin-"

I cut him off, "Yes, I know. You wrote about that... and it was in one of my dreams... the dream that you drowned in, does that mean it's real?"

I come to the realization, this is probably how he died.

"I told you to stop it with these questions. But, about what we were talking about, perhaps you should talk to your grandmother. If she really was close to the Dark Lord, she probably knew his plans." He suggests.

I agree, I should talk to her, but there are a few problems with that.

"Even if I talk to her, that doesn't mean she'll talk. And, her being close to him does not mean she knows what each Horcrux is." I argue.

"Yes, but she could tell you how many there are. A horcrux would be easy to recognize. Drak magic leaves traces, and these traces will be somehow related to the Dark Lord. If you know the amount, you could find them." He continues convincing me to help.

"That doesn't mean she will tell me anything. Why would she help the daughter of her traitor son? And besides, a horcrux could be anything. It could be a penny for all I know." I continue arguing.

"You'd convince her. And a Horcrux would most likely be something meaningful to him."

My eyes widen, shit. "Meaningful like maybe... a ring that belonged to his grandfather?"I think I might be wearing a Horcrux around my finger right now.

"Yes... that would be an option." We both look on the ring I'm wearing around my finger.

"Regulus?" I question.

"Yes?" He replies.

"I think I might be wearing one right now. I mean... this ring, it belonged to Marvolo Gaunt. The stone attached to it is the stone that belonged to Cadmus Peverell. When I touched it I saw something, visions. Traces of dark magic that are related to Voldemort." I panic a bit. What am I going to do?

"You've found a Horcrux... the ring and the locket, that might be it." He states.

"But, it might not be." I look down. Hopefully there are only two, but I don't think that's the case.

"You need to talk to your grandmother." He says.

"Regulus... how does one destroy a Horcrux?" I look back at him.

He sighs, "I don't know. But it will be difficult." Merlin, this is useless.

"I'll talk to my grandmother." I sigh.

"Good. Alice, can I trust you with this?" He asks.

"If I can trust you."

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