It wont last forever

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Theo's pov

We're in my room. Alice is probably still asleep since she didn't come here, we're just drinking and joking around.

It's 10 in the morning, maybe not the best time to drink, but we're not going overboard, so it's fine.

"It's your turn to ask a question." Tom tells Mattheo.

"Okay... so, what would you steal if you could take anything and not get caught?" Mattheo asks all of us.

We're just drinking and asking each other stupid questions.

"The next edition of broomsticks." I quickly answer.

"The invisibility cloak Alice used to prank us." Tom answers.

"Snape's liquid luck." Blaise speaks.

"Probably some large amount of money." Draco speaks up.

"All of these answers are boring," Mattheo lightly punches my shoulder, "what about you, Enzo?"

Enzo takes a sip of whisky as he chuckles to himself
"Alice's virginity." Fuck this asshole.

They all laugh. "I second that." Malfoy speaks through laughter.

"I third." Blaise takes a sip of whisky. I death stare them in anger. What are they bloody thinking!?

"Calm down, Theo. It's all jokes." Blaise says, but I keep on death staring him, taking a sip from the alcohol.

"Well, I'm not kidding." Malfoy snickers.

"Me neither." Enzo laughs and chugs more whisky.

"Even if it is a joke, you don't say shit like that!" I half yell.

I take out a cigarette, angrily lighting it up.

Malfoy takes it out of my mouth, he burns it out and throws it away. I take another one and stick it in my mouth, but before I can light it up the same thing happens again, Malfoy grams it out of my mouth again, and throws it away; again.

"What the hell mate?" I ask him, annoyed and angry.

"No smoking inside. You want to smoke? Go freeze in the snow." Malfoy sternly speaks.

"Don't get mad, Theo." Mattheo puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, Theo, you have to admit, she's bloody hot." My jaw tightens as Enzo talks.

"Hey, don't talk about Theo's girlfriend like that." Tom laughs.

"She's not my bloody girlfriend, asshole!" I yell at him.

"Hey, calm down. It isn't a big deal." Draco has an annoyed tone to his voice, but it is usually like that.

"It is a big deal! You don't talk about her like that! All of you, not in front of me, not behind my back; nothing!" I shout at them.

"Oi! Chill out, man." Blaise tells me.

"Don't tell him to 'chill out man' unless you want me to break your stupid ass face, Zabini!" Mattheo yells at him, then, he tells me to get up and we walk outside.

"Don't try to protect me again, Riddle." I sternly say.

"Hey, we fight, we fight together, remember?" A light smile comes up my face.

We open the main door and head out of the manor. Alice is sitting there, on the stairs, smoking a cigarette.

We sit down with her and Mattheo takes out two cigarettes, one for the each of us.

"Why'd you come out? I thought you guys were drinking or something?" She throws away her cigarette.

"You knew where we were? Why didn't you come?" I ask her, lighting up the cigarette in my mouth.

"I didn't really feel like drinking fire whisky at 10 in the morning. So, I helped Narcissa pick some food for this ball thing." She explains.

"Yeah well, they were acting like little bitches it's good you didn't come." Did Mattheo really just say that? What's up with him?

"Are you sure you weren't the little bitch?" Alice snickers.

"Just accept that I am being nice to you, Jones, because it won't last forever."

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