I rebel; therefore I exist, March 22, 1979

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I sneak into Dumbledore's office at night to get a book about horcruxes using Harry's invisibility cloak.

"Lumos." I run my wand over the covers of books until I hear footsteps coming. "Nox." I whisper.

Dumbledore walks over to a cauldron looking thing.

"This can't go on, Albus. First the dark mark, now this?" McGonagle speaks.

"What do you suggest, Minerva?" Dumbledore asks, not taking his eyes off the cauldron.

"Put an end to it. Don't let otter compete." She replies.

"You heard Barty. The rules are clear." Why is Dumbledore not helping at all?

"Well, the devil with Barty and his rules. And since when did you accommodate the Ministry?" She questions.

"Headmaster, I, too, find it difficult this mere coincidence. However, if we are truly to discover the meaning of these events... perhaps we should, for the time being... let them unfold." Snape suggests.

"What...? Do nothing? Offer him up as bait? Potter is a boy, no a piece of meat." McGonagle is the only one making sense here.

"I agree." Dumbledore states, "with Severus. Alastor, keep an eye on Harry, will you?" Dumbledore talks to Moody who is standing at the darkest corner of the room. There is something so strange about that guy.

"I can do that." Moody nods his head.

"Don't let him know, though. He must be anxious enough as it is..." Dumbledore puts his wand to his head, "knowing what lies ahead. Then again, we all are." He pulls something out of his mind, before putting it in the cauldron.

They all leave. "Lumos." I say again and quickly grab a book that looks promising and leave.

I walk to the common room to read.

Is it down on the sofa and open up the dark covered book. Smoke blows out of it and I cough.

This dark spell is used to prepare a reception for the placing of a fragmented piece of soul within it, thereby allowing the target to become a Horcrux, tethering the caster to the mortal world, preventing death.

If it's true, if Voldemort used this spell, the thing preventing him from death, keeping him in the win, is the locket. The locket Kreacher hid somewhere if what I saw in my dream was true.

The logic going that as long as a piece of your soul survives within the object, then you can never truly die. It's magic so dark, so heinous, that it is kept secret from most of the wizarding world.
A Horcrux is created by manually putting part of the soul into an object. Firstly, the soul must be split into two, where one part remains in the human body while the other is distend for the Horcrux. This splitting is accomplished by the supreme act of evil, murder, which rips the soul apart.
Secondly, a powerful spell must be used to gain control over the decided soul to allow the witch or wizard to physically move it into the object they have chosen for the Horcrux.
Creating a Horcrux is unnatural and immoral. The soul is supposed to remain intact and whole, splitting it is an act against nature.

I need to do something, I need to find the stone and talk to Regulus.

I open Regulus' journal at the point I last read.

March 22, 1979

As the days pass I more and more realize of how terrible The Dark Lord is, how terrible my parents are, and how terrible being a death eater is.

Of all lies of my parents 'I love you' must be my favorite. I begin understanding why Sirius ran away. I start understanding that someone who loves you, wouldn't give you this life.
But, when I realize more about the Horcruxes suddenly, sadness turns into anger.
I will find his Horcruxes, and I will destroy them.

Did he write Horcruxes? More then one? Splitting your soul once is bad enough, but twice? Maybe even more... this is bad.

April 2, 1979

I have been searching for a way to destroy the Horcrux of the Slytherin Lockhart for a while.

I miss Sirius, I wish I could talk to him, tell him I switched sides, but that might risk my cause.
This live I have for him is the thing that keeps me going in this madness. This is the wonder that's been keeping the starts apart.
But I can't help and wonder if he ever looks at the sky and hurts like I do.
I recently realized something about Sirius. He rebels; therefore he exists.
I've realized I want to be like him. I will not stay out and watch the madness The Dark Lord creates.
I will fight against it.
I will help to make a world beautiful to look at, hopefully I will be alive to see it.
After all, the river is only beautiful because you are looking at it.
Sirius, I love you. Remember, they cannot take that away.

April 17, 1979

Tomorrow Kreacher will take me to the cave.
I have been through torture learning about the Horcruxes, but I'm finally ready to act upon my studies.
By now I am a book with the pages all worn. The cover is tearing, the ink is fading, but I swear I'm worth the read.
We've discussed a plan, Kreacher and I. Shall the plan not go well, I will be left to die.
I have been through hell in my life. 'You won't understand heaven if you've never known hell.' Therefore, I hope for good.
I have created a fake locket and placed a note in it in which the next time Voldemort shall check on his Horcrux he will discover:

To The Dark Lord-
I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know that it was I who discovered your secret. I have stolen the real Horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon a I can.
I face death in the hope that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more.

I hope my last breath is a sigh of relief.
I promise to whoever is reading this journal: you will get better. Maybe not today, but someday.
I rebel; therefore I exist.


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