The trophy

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"Alice! Alice, get up!" Ben shakes me awake. I tiredly push him  away from me and roll around in bed, trying to go back to sleep.

Christmas is a difficult holiday for me, it makes me miss my mom a lot.

Even with all of the difficulties my mom and I went through when I grew up, she always made sure Christmas will be saved. It was as if Christmas was this extraordinary day, it was a day when for once a year, all of the troubles of the world will disappear.
I know exactly why she lived Christmas so much, my father always loved it.

"Get up." Ben grabs my arm and pulls me out of bed.

"Okay, okay." I say. We walk downstairs, not even getting ready before we do since Ben won't let me.

I think this is the Christmas with most people I ever celebrated with.

We sit down for breakfast, there is French toast, my favorite.

"Marry Christmas." Sirius has the biggest smile on his face.

"Bloody hell, Ella. Didn't you go a little overboard with the syrup?" Cheryl laughs as Ella adds syrup until the French toast is completely hidden under it.
"There is never too much syrup." Ella replies, adding more.

"That's true, Cher." I grand the syrup out of Ella's hand and put some on my own food.

After we are all finished eating, we walk into the living room where the tree was placed. Ella, Ben, Cheryl and I always get each other gifts. This year, I got one for Sirius as well.

"Here Alice," Cher hands me a gift, "it's my favorite muggle book; Little woman." Cheryl and I always gift each other muggle books we like, it's kind of a tradition.

"Well this," I hand her my gift to her, "is a wizard made copy of Alice's adventures in wonderland. Pictures pop up from the book, doing what you read." She opens up the book and begins reading in her head, a picture pops up, showing a little blonde girl falling asleep.

We keep on exchanging gifts. I bought Ella some makeup since she has been complaining she needs more of it, she bought me a pocket knife; that's actually gonna be extremely useful.

Ella, Cheryl and I got Ben a broom together so he could practice quidditch. He wants to get on the team next year.

"Alice," I turn around to look at Sirius, he is holding a gift for me.

"How did you manage to get something? I mean did you buy something or..." I'm speechless. He shouldn't have gotten something for me.

"Just open it." He hands me a box wrapped in blue parchment paper. I open the parchment carefully and slowly open the box to see a maple made wand.
The upper part of it is golden, and the lower part is black. It's a long wand, it's got a phoenix shaped holder to it. It's absolutely beautiful, probably the most beautiful wand I have ever seen.

"Your father and you have the same wand description I've discovered. Since he left his wand to my family after he died, I thought I'll give it to you."
Happy tears begin filling my eyes. It's my father's wand. I can't believe I have my father's wand.

"Thank you." I hug him. He hugs me back tight.

"I um... I," I pull out of the hug, my voice shaky from tears, "I also got you something." I take out the box and hand it to him. His mouth agapes when he sees the gift.

"You got him a trophy?" Ben questions.

"It's not just a trophy... it's my quidditch trophy for best keeper. Where did you get this from?" I can see tears in his eyes as well, probably from the nostalgia of it all.

"I may, or may not have stolen it from the Gryffindor trophy cabinet..." I smile at him as he chuckles.

"You are way to similar to your parents." He laughs and lays the trophy on a shelf.

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