I pity Alice

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Theo's pov

"Hi Theo." She wraps her arm around mine, a huge smile is on her face.

"Morning princess. Ready for Snape's class?" I snicker.

"Oh, of course. It's all I've been waiting for." She sarcastically speaks. We're currently walking from the great hall to potions class.

"Oh, Theo, I have something to tell you." She excitedly states. She seems incredibly happy today.

"Sure, what is it?" I ask.

"Draco and I kissed yesterday." She squalls in excitement.

My face drops. But, I quickly shake it off and put a grin back on.

Jealousy crawls up my mind, and anger, anger towards Malfoy and towards myself upon not realizing earlier. But, I try to ignore it. I mean, I don't understand why I'm jealous. I shouldn't be jealous, she isn't even mine.

"Hey." It's Enzo. Thank god. He comes up from behind us as we reach the door to the classroom.

"Hey." I reply.

"Did you hear Crouch died?" He asks so incredibly casually.

"What?" Alice and I exclaim at the same time.

Just then, the door to the potions class opens.

"You're late. Five points from each of you." Snape stands at the door.

"We're late?" Alice questions.

"Yes, Miss Jones. You're late. Now, get in before I send you... to detention." He speaks in his cold voice.

He walks to the front of the classroom after we sit down.

"You may start brewing your shrinking solution. Nott, Jones, Berkshire, you may work together since you came late." He sternly speaks.

I look at Malfoy and Mattheo, they seem to immediately start working, understanding it perfectly.

"How do we make that?" I ask Enzo and Alice.

"What even is a shrinking solution?" Alice used to be amazing at potions. I don't know what happened to her.

"A potion that makes creatures become smaller. It's extremely poisonous is brewed incorrectly, so you might want to look at that book, princess." Malfoy whispers to her and my blood begins to boil. But, I quickly calm myself down. Her happiness is more important then mine. But it drives me mad, the way she smiles at him, the twinkle in his eyes.

She's my girl, the way she looks up with her large eyes is mine, that twinkle is mine. But I just have to keep reminding myself; her happiness is more important then mine. I'll remind myself that and I'll be fine.

We finish the class, Snape tried Neville's potion on his toad. Luckily the toad is alive.

"We have an exam on Friday's class on this potion." Snape announces and everybody sighs, giving each other disappointed look.

"Alice, do you want to come to our dorm? We are all going to hang out, maybe study for the bloody exam." I shrug.

"I'm sorry, Theo. But, I have to do something. I might come over later though." She smiles and walks away.

A frown falls on my face. I feel like I'm losing her slowly. Even though, she isn't mine to lose.

"Want to hear a song?" Enzo asks as Malfoy, Mattheo, Tom, him and I dot in our dorm. Enzo puts on a song.

"What is this song?" Tom asks.

"Still loving you, Scorpions. I heard it on the holidays." Enzo answers.

He jumps on his bed and begins singing the song dramatically.

We all sit and laugh at Enzo's performance of a life time.

A few minutes into the song Malfoy speaks up: "It goes in forever. It's been five bloody minutes." He complains.

"I pity Alice if you think five minutes is forever." Enzo jokes and continues singing.

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