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"Alice! You're ruining the dough!" Ella yells at me.

"How exactly?" I question.

"You're overdoing it. It's completely ruined now!" She complains.

"Well, if it's ruined..." Ben grabs the dough out of my hand.

"Hey! Bring it back!" Cheryl yells.

"It's ruined already, besides, there are plenty other balls of dough." He throws the dough in the air.

"Give it back! You were the one to want us to make pizza!" Ella argues.

He reaches out his hand with the dough in it. "Here." As Ella tries to snatch it, he throws the ball of dough above her head to me.

"Alice! Give it back!" She continues yelling.

I throw the ball back to Ben.

"You evil little cockroach!" She shouts.

"Why don't you two just help us?" Cheryl asks.

"Are you joking?" Ben questions.

"We are both horrible at cooking." I add.

"Fuck it." Cheryl grabs another ball of dough. She throws it to me.

"Oh, no you didn't." Ella grabs the flour and throws some at Cheryl.

We all laugh.

Ben throws one of the dough balls into Ella's face.
She throws flour at him as well.

"Hey! Stop it! We'll have to clean this up!" I shout.
Ella goes over to me and boops me on the nose, leaving flour on it.

I snatch the flour from her hand and throw some at her. She sneezes as her face becomes white as a cloud.

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