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"Malfoy next to Jones." Snape finishes off placing our sits.

"Hey, Draco." I pass him a parchment with the words 'wanna play a game?'

He writes something on the parchment and hands it back.

'No focus on what's Snape's talking about.'

'You're boring.' I write and draw a sad face.

'No I'm not' he writes.

'Then play a game with me.' I pass him the note back.

'Fine. I'll win anyway.' He writes and passes it.

'I never lose.' I look at him with a challenging face.

"Challenge excepted." He whispers.

I draw out a game of tic tac toe. I draw an x in the middle while he drops an O in the upper middle.

I draw an x at the middle right.

He draws an O in the upper right.

I score for the win with an x at the left middle.
I laugh.

"Okay, okay, you win." He sighs.

"I told you I never lose." I brag.

"I can't lose again..." he states, "round two?" He smiles.

"Game on, Malfoy." I say a little louder then intended.

"Jones, get out of my class." Snape speaks in a cold voice.

I pick up my bag, "It was boring anyways." I whisper to Draco.

"How about we go to the astronomy tower tonight for that round two?" He asks.

"How about the black lake?" I reply.

"8 tonight. Don't be late. And wear something pretty." How did I not realize he was asking me out? Well, I don't really mind trying it out.

I get out of the classroom and start walking towards the Gryffindor common room. I want to see if I could find some more useful information in my books.

"Why are you out of class?" I see Tom in front of me as I walk up the dungeons stairs.

"I could ask you the same question." I reply with a light grin and continue walking.

Tom grabs my wrist and stops me from walking. I turn around in shock. Not this again.

"For your information I was at a prefect meeting. Now, you'll tell me why you are out of class." He speaks angrily, venom to his tongue.

"Tom, I thought we were over this by now. I thought you were done with the whole 'everything you do rages me so I have the right to beat you up' thing." I say calmly.

"First of all, no we are not done. Second, this has nothing to do with that at all. I'm a prefect. I have the right to take points away when a student is snicking around at night or I'd they are supposed to be in class." He sternly explains.

"Tom, let go of my wrist." I respond. I won't tell him until he lets me bloody go.

"5 points off Gryffindor." He did not just do that.
I strongly pull my arm to force him off of me.

"Snape kicked me out! Why'd you have to do that?" I ask, annoyed and angry.

"I assumed you bailed since you didn't answer." He replies way too calmly.

"Give the points back!"  I half yell. I didn't do anything wrong.

"Now that I took them off, I think I'll keep it that way." A smirk grows on his face. He is being impossible.

"You can't do that! I did nothing wrong!" I shout.

"Are you gonna cry?" He fake pouts.

"No, but your mom did when she saw you. Give me back my points. Everyone will kill me if they'll know I lost points again." I comeback at him.

"How do you manage to loose so many points, Alice? You've got a real talent for it, don't you?" He scoffs.

"I don't bloody know! Give me my points back!" I argue.

He cannot just take points away because he wants to.

"No." He simply responds.

"No!?" I yell.

"No." He calmly grins, enjoying his affect on me.

"You are such a dick!" I shout way too loudly upon the fact that the potions classroom is a corridor away.

"Everyday I wake up and I hope you're dead!" He goes up a stair to be at my level and pushes me I to the wall, grabbing my throat.

"Mr. Murphy, Miss Jones, I am very... sorry to disturb... your... snogging session, but you are disturbing... my class." Snape coldly speaks as he walks up to us. How dare he?

"This is not a s-" Tom shuts my mouth with one hand while the other pins me to the wall by my shoulder.

I struggle under his arms, trying to continue on speaking while he shuts my mouth.

"Sorry, professor. We'll be quiet." Tom puts in a fake smile and with that Snape walks away.

I lick Tom's palm. I know it's disgusting, but I would do anything to make him get off.

"Ah! You..."

I cut Tom off, "quiet! Snape will hear you." I whisper shout.

"You dim witted witch." He continues.

"Why would you tell Snape we were snogging!?" I whisper angrily.

He grabs my arm and drags me into the Slytherin common room so we could keep yelling.

"Weren't we at me taking your points away?" He smirks, his stupid bloody smirk.

"I don't care about that anymore! You told Snape we were snogging!" I shout.

"Only so he'll leave us alone. Now back to the points..." he speaks calmly, as if he is playing a game.

I cut him off, "No! Not back to the points! Don't ever say things like that to anyone! Especially not Snape!" I get more rage full with his playful look.

He grabs my shoulders, pushing me into the clear wall of the room, which reflects into the black lake.

"I could do whatever I'd like, to whoever I'd like I any time I'd like." His playful glare changes into an angry expression.

"Who do you think you are?" I challenge.

"Someone you shouldn't piss off." His voice sounds as if he is angry, but his face reflects playfulness once again.

"You're in no position to make threats." I smile, mimicking his movement.

He pushes me harder into the wall, "No? Well, darling, the one I seem to have you in makes it awfully easy." He volleys back.

I scoff, "You know nothing about me."

He closes the distance farther in a chuckle, "What I do know is that the word easy and you are a package deal."

I snicker softly, "And then there's you," I eye his lower body suggestively, "who has no package deal at all."

I watch as his jaw ticks in frustration, but it doesn't reach his playful glare. "You wanna know why that is?" He says slowly. I arch an eyebrow, urging him to continue, "Because even in that tight little skirt you chose to wear today, you just don't do it for me."

I laugh, "why did you tell Snape we were snogging then?" And now I'm done.

I lightly push him away from me with my magic and start walking towards the door.

"Someone has been practicing." He lightly laughs while grabbing my wrist.

"Let me go," I say, "and add my points back."

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