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*warning: fighting*

Alice's pov

I walk into the empty common room and sit in a sofa next to the fire.

Yes, it is already spring and warm but I enjoy the sensation of reading next to the cozy fire pit.

Right when I open the book I borrowed about Grindelwald the fire ruffles.

I look at it to see Sirius' face imprinted in it as he did before.

"Alice!" He whisper shouts.

"Yes Padfoot?" I whisper.

"Next week I will come again. We're going to stop Pettigrew this time and show Harry the truth. I've already spoke with Remus." He tells me the plan.

"Okay, what should I do?" I ask what's my role in it.

"Get to the shrieking shack at 6 that evening. Exactly a week from now." I nod my head and footsteps sound is heard and Sirius' face disappears.

"Hi princess." Theo and Enzo sit beside me.

"Merlin, you scared me." I exclaim, breathing deeply.

"Sorry." Enzo replies.

As I take a breath u smell alcohol. More specifically whisky. Fire whisky.

I look at Enzo, he doesn't seem drunk. Then, I look at Theo.

"Have you and Mattheo been skipping class to drink?" I worriedly question.

What happened that made Theo do that? I hope he is doing okay, he would've told me if he wasn't fine, right?

"Yeah, but I came to classes after we did. Now, you on the other hand, haven't. Why is that, princess?" He asks, his words blurry. How much did they drink for him to still be drunk?

"Theo, I was doing something important. Why are you drinking in the middle of the day? Are you okay?" He frowns.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." he says, but I have a feeling there is something deeper behind this. Mattheo has been sadder lately as well- switching it to anger and letting all of his frustrations out on me, but sadder. And so are Enzo and Tom and even Draco. This isn't some coincidence.

"Hey, what is going on? All of you turned sadder lately. It's not just you two," I look at Enzo as well, "it's every single one of you. What's going on?" Pain fills my stomach, blocking my throat and chest as I see Theo and Enzo like this. They are my best friends, I don't like to see them like this.

"The year is over soon, Alice. And we'll need to go back home..." Enzo only suggests upon what has been happening. But I immediately understand.

Tears fill my eyes just thinking about it. Them having to go back to their parents, then maybe getting hurt.
I don't want them to go back to their houses, you can't even call it a home.

"Theo, Enzo, I..." don't even know what to say.

"I'll miss you over summer, you know. Last summer I went crazy missing you. I had everyone with me except you and it drove me bloody crazy." I see tears come into Theo's eyes as his voice slightly breaks.

"Honestly, it's the same for me, Theo. I missed you so much it physically hurt. And the worst part was not knowing if you were okay or not. Knowing you probably weren't. I can't stand the fact that right now the three of us are still here, together and you don't tell me you aren't okay. I won't allow it." I see the two boys tearing.

"We didn't want you to worry." Enzo responds.

"I always worry about you. I always worry about things I care about." Tears leave my eyes as I think of not being able to contact Theo for months. But thinking about the fact I'll also have Enzo this time kills me.

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