Everything goes quiet

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*warning: fighting*

Harry's pov

"Beautiful day." Hermione says as we walk out of the castle and towards The Black lake where Hagrid said he'll meet us.

"Gorgeous," Ron replies sarcastically, "unless, of course, you've been ripped to pieces!"

"Ripped to pieces? What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Ronald lost his rat."  Hermione explains.

"I haven't lost anything! Your cat killed him!" He slightly yells.

"Rubbish." She shakes her head.

"Harry," Ron cries out, "you've seen the way that bloodthirsty beast of hers is always lurking about. And Scabbers is gone."

Hermione turns around to look at Ron, "well, maybe you should take better care of your pets!" She yells. I just walk behind them, not caring for the argument.

"Your cat killed him!" Ron shouts.

"Did not." She replies.



We arrive at the black lake to see Hagrid standing in it, pants scrunched up. Throwing rocks at the water, jumping them.

"How did it go, Hagrid? The hearing?" Hermione asks about Hagrid's  hearing of Buckbeak.

"Well, first off, the committee members took turns talking about why we were there," he throws a rock at the water, "and then I got up and did my piece. Said how Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers. And then Lucious Malfoy got up. Well, you can imagine. He said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill you as soon as look at you." He throws another rock.

"And then?" Hermione asks.

"And then he asked for the worst, did old Lucious." He says.

"They're not sacking you!" Ron exclaims.

"No, I'm not sacked," Hagrid throws them another rock, "Buckbeak's been sentenced to death!" Hagrid cries.

I get up from the hollow tree I was sitting on in disbelief. How could they sentence him to death when it's all Malfoy's fault?

After a while we go back to the Gryffindor common room. I see Alice about to head out from the room.

"We were just at Hagrid's," I tell her, "he was at the hearing." She turns her head to me.

"How did it go?" She asks.

"They sentenced Buckbeak to death because of Lucious Malfoy. You can go and tell Malfoy he just succeeded at killing something." I sound angry. I sound like I'm blaming her. Of course I don't. But letting my anger out feels good.

"Harry, I'm so sorry..." she says.

"If you see Malfoy tell him he's an awful person, will you?" I angrily say.

She nods and leaves.

* * * *
Alice's pov

That was weird. I get why Harry is angry, but he sounds angry at me for some reason.

I quickly get to Theo's dorm. All of them are out for their Saturday Quidditch practice and Theo said I could just wait for him here since we wanted to watch a movie.

I read a book in his dorm for a while and he gets in. He burgers into the dorm and throws his sweaty shirt on the floor.

"Oh Alice..." he says, plopping down on the bed and crawling over to me.

He gently lays his head down on my chest and sighs.
I freeze, not knowing what to do.

"Are you okay?" I finally ask.

"I'm good, I'm just tired." He mumbles.

"Did something bad happen?" I question.

"No, just tired," he replies. "You're not, um... bothered by this, are you?" He asks.

"Oh, no I'm totally okay with this." I answer. I start to ruffle my fingers through his hair.

"I just talked to Harry about Hagrid's hearing," I state. His expression changes, urging me to keep speaking, "Buckbeak's being sentenced to death."

He shoots up from me, "what?" He exclaims.

"Yeah, I thought u should tell you..."

The three other boys then come into the room. All of them plop in their beds just like Theo did.

"Difficult practice?" I ask.

"Yeah, you could say so." Enzo sighs.

"Hey, is Malfoy back in his dorm already?" Theo asks the three of them.

"Yes, he is. Why?" Mattheo replies.

"Buckbeak's being sentenced to death because of him." Theo explains.

"What?" Mattheo gets up from his bed and Theo follows.

"Where are you going?" I run after them and so does Enzo.

"To give Malfoy a piece of our mind." Enzo joins them. What the hell?

"Hey, Malfoy!" They budge I to his dorm.

"What?" He sits up from his bed.

"They're killing the Hippogriff because of you." Enzo answers.

"You see? He gets what he deserves for hurting me, that bloody chicken." He murmurs.

"What's wrong with you?" Theo is angry, very angry.
He loves creature and animals, he believes they are better then people. I must agree.

"That's a living bloody thing on the line." Mattheo argues with Draco.

"Like you care about living things, you don't even care about humans!" Draco yells, immediately regretting it.

"Shut the hell up!" Theo yells at him.

Mattheo gets quiet. I've never seen him so quiet before. He turns around and I see his face, his expressionless face, but it doesn't reach his eyes. His eyes are tired, full of pain. I feel sorry for him. It's in this moment that my hate towards him disappears. He doesn't want this. He doesn't want this life, his life. His father hurt so many people but no one as much as he hurt his own sons. You can see it all in his eyes.

It doesn't matter how much he can me sometimes, I can't hate him anymore.

* * * *
Mattheo's pov

"Like you care about living things, you don't even care about humans!" Malfoy yells.

I can hear screams and yells around me, but everything goes quiet.

I never wanted this, this life. I was born into it. I didn't have a choice. I didn't fucking choose this.
I didn't choose to be made into a weapon, to hurt people. I was just a kid. Just an innocent child who didn't know what was happening. That didn't know the curses, hitting and abuse from his father wasn't normal. A kid that never had a choice if he wanted to fro up good or bad. That choice was made for me a lot before I was even born.

I was a child that knew better but did worse, I guess that's what evil really is. Maybe I am evil after all. Maybe I'm not innocent at all, because, how can you be born good and innocent when you are a Riddle?
I turn around to see the girl I hurt most. Pain fills her eyes as she looks into mine. I put on an expressionless face, but it doesn't fool her. She sees right through me. I hate her seeing me like that, weak.

I don't have a choice but to hurt her, or my father will hurt me, maybe even kill me.
I need to be strong when she is there, intimidating, scary.

I can't let her see me like that. So I turn back around and punch Malfoy.

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