I like your eyes

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We're in defense against the dark arts learning about Erklings. Sadly, I'm sitting besides Mattheo since Moody made me.

"Jones, I need to talk to you later." Mattheo whispers to me.

"About what exactly?" I scoff.

"5 points off Gryffindor! I might only have one real eye, but my ears are perfectly fine, Miss Jones!" Moody yells at me. His ears are obviously not fine since he didn't hear Mattheo speaking.

"Mattheo talked to me! This is such bullshit!" I stand up, banging my palms on the table.

"You can take that language straight to detention! Anyone else wants to try me?" He shouts, moving around the classroom.

I pick up my things and just go towards the door, there is no point arguing with a maniac.

"Um," I hear books dropping, "Uh... m- motherfucker?" I hear Mattheo's questioning tone.

"Detention to you too, Mr. Murphy!" Moody shouts.

"Just perfect." I sarcastically say under my breath.
We both walk out of the class.

"He's an absolute maniac, isn't he?" I scoff, talking about the professor.

"Yeah, he is. I wanted to talk to you about-"

I cut Mattheo off, "Hmm, I like your eyes." I smile at him. I never noticed how chocolate like they are.

"Huh... mine?" He questions.

I smile at him and nod my head.

"Thank you. Oh, I like how you look without makeup." He returns a compliment.

"Really? Well, I used to wear makeup all the time, but, uh... you know." I scrunch my nose.

He chuckles, "But, I actually wanted to talk to you-"

I cut him off again, "Sorry, Riddle. It would have stayed to chat, but, obviously I'm not actually going to detention, so... see you later." I appirate from there.


Hi, hoped you enjoyed this chapter<3

I know this is only the fourth year for you, but I am almost finished writing the entire story up until the very end of the seventh, so... I'm starting to post four times a week from now on, I think soon enough it will turn to five times a week too.
Hope you enjoy the story up until now❤️

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