We accept the love we think we deserve

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Mattheo's pov

I enter the Ravenclaw common room to visit my girlfriend after what happened with Alice.

Somehow, she saw right through me. I have to admit she is a smart girl, even if her cockiness is insufferable.

I open the door to Mandy's dorm and instead of seeing her read as usual, I see some older Ravenclaw boy on her, making out with her.

I throw him off her and punch him in the jaw.

"Wait, Mattheo, let me-"

I cut Mandy off, "Fuck you. We're done." I slam the door behind me and walk back to the astronomy tower to smoke.

When I get there, I see professor Lupin is already there, smoking and looking at the view.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize someone was already here." I turn around.

"It's okay, Mr. Murphy, you can stay. I can assure you I don't bite." I turn back around and go to stand beside him.

He throws his cigarette to the floor. I lean against the railings and stare down at the view.

Lupin looks at me for a few moments before speaking up. "Now, I am no expert, but you seem troubled Mr. Murphy." A warm smile is on his face.

"Yeah, um... I had a pretty bad day." My voice shakes. I don't have the energy to fake being okay right now.

"Why is that?" He asks. I look at him to see a genuine face.

"It's just..." I sigh, "why... do nice people choose the wrong... people to date?" I look at the view while speaking, I can't look him in the eyes.

He looks to the view and then back at me, "We accept the love we think we deserve, Mr. Murphy." He responds.

I look ahead, troubled in thought.

My entire life, I wanted to be loved, but all I got was pain. Maybe, it's true, somewhere along the way I've convinced myself I don't deserve it.

"I want to be loved," I explain, "but I don't feel I deserve it." I look at Lupin, waiting for a response.

"Then you need to change that mindset. Everyone is deserving of love, Mattheo. Even the darkest of souls. I don't know what happened that convinced you otherwise, but surely you deserve it." He gives me one last smile and leaves.

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