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"Ella! Ben!" I run to them in the courtyard.

"Alice!" Ben exclaims as he hugs me.

"Hi," Ella smiles, "have you seen Cedric? I was looking for him." She says.

"No, I haven't actually. What's with the budges?" I notice each of them has a budge. It turns from a red and yellow budge with Cedric's face and name, to a green budge with Harry's face and the words 'Potter stinks' on it.

"Oh, it's just a budge to support Cedric. Everyone's wearing them, have you not noticed?" Ben asks.

I shake my head, "No, I noticed the budges, but, why are you wearing them?" I question. Harry is my friend, they shouldn't wear a budge that says he stinks.

"Cedric's my best friend and I got Ben one as well." Ella answers.

"Yeah, I know Cedric's your friend, but this budge is mean. I mean, Harry is my friend." I reason with her.

"I'm sorry, Alice, but it's just a joke." She argues.

"No, it's not a joke. Harry is struggling enough with this bullshit, he doesn't need this as well." I get frustrated. Ella and Ben should know better.

"Harry should of thought twice before putting his name in the goblet." Ben argues me.

I love how close Ben and Ella are most of the time, but sometimes he gets too affected by her.

"That's the thing, Harry did not put his name in the goblet!" I half yell.

"Really?" Ella asks.

"Really. I'm not telling you to support Harry instead of Cedric. Honestly, I want Harry to get out of this as quickly as possible. But, please, don't be mean to him." I sigh.

Ella's expression softens, "Okay." She takes her budge off and so does Ben.

"There's Cedric," I point to the boy, "he's over there speaking with Harry."

Ella, Ben and I start walking towards them. Then, Harry walks away.

"Bye, I'm gonna go to Harry." I run after him.

I see him bump into Ron, and then, I start hearing people speak.

"There's Potter. Cheat." I hear someone saying.

"Why so tense, Potter?" I turn around to see Dray sitting on a tree, "My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in this tournament." Draco jumps off the tree and to his feet, he immediately gets followed by his minions. "He disagrees. He thinks you won't last 5." Draco continues.

Him and his friends also wear those stupid budges, it It infuriates me.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." Harry pushes Draco back in anger, he deserves it. He can't talk like that, even if he doesn't like Harry. "He's vile, and cruel, and your just pathetic." Harry begins waking away.

"Pathetic?" Draco pulls out his wand but Moody, who came out of nowhere stops him.

"Oh, no, you don't, Sonny!" Moody swiftly casts a spell on Draco.

Draco screams. The orange light that came out of Moody's wand turns Draco around, Draco gets lower and lower in a matter of seconds, until he's on the ground, in the shape of a ferret. I gasp and start laughing.

Harry turns back around, his eyes widen.

"I'll teach you to curse someone when their back is turned!" Harry's lip quickly curls to a smile as Moody merges forward to Draco, "You stinky, cowardly, scummy," Moody lifts and lowers the ferret with his wand as he speaks, "back shooting-"

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