Third time's a charm

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Alice's pov

It's been two weeks since I saw Mattheo or Tom, I hang out with the boys from Slytherin all of the time but mostly in my dorm and the astronomy tower. I wasn't in the Slytherin common room once.
Mattheo is apparently still recovering from what I did, but he's in his dorm now and not the hospital wing. Theo says he'll be allowed out in two days which scares me. But I'll deal with it.

I'm walking to the astronomy tower now.

"Hello princess, how are you?" Enzo catches up to me as I walk.

"Good, how are you?" I reply.

"Incredible, princess; Malfoy has some whiskey for later." What does he mean later?

"When later?" I ask.

"Oh, you didn't hear? Mattheo is being let out later today so we're going to celebrate." He smiles.

I don't want to hangout with Mattheo but honestly I want to drink. Plus, I am not going to let him make me not be with my friends.

It's really cold outside, winter is almost here already.
"Okay. I'll come." I tell him.

We arrive at the tower. Theo, Blaise and Draco are already there. They smoke, I bet it's weed.

"Hey princess." Theo gets up to hug me. He gives me a peck on the forehead.

"Hi Theo." I smile up at him. I sit down between Theo and Enzo.
Draco hands me the joint, I take a few puffs and hand it over to Enzo.

"So, Mattheo and Tom are going to join us later?" I ask, clearly directing the question at Theo.

"Yeah, I was going to talk to you about that." He looks uneasy.

"Hey, it's cool. Do they have a problem I'll be here?" I question.

"No, I don't think they do." Theo answers.

"Okay, then I'll stay." I give him a light smile and he smiles back.

I take out a cigarette and give Theo one as well.
"Are you guys going back home for the winter break?" I start up a conversation.

"Yes, you?" Blaise asks me.

"Yes, I am." I respond. No need to say I'm going to stay with Sirius.

"Mattheo and Tom are going to stay with me, then four days before break ends we're going to Malfoy's." Theo says.

"You should join us." Draco offers.

"Yeah, you should come. Blaise and I are will be there as well." Enzo finishes off the joint.

"I would have come but your parents are death eaters and... well, you know." I inhale from my cigarette.

"My father won't be home most of the time and my mother won't mind." Draco tries to convince me.

"Sure, I'll think about it."
We hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Shit, hide all of this. It might be a teacher." Theo points at the grinder and my cigarettes. We quickly hide it, it is in fact a teacher. Professor Lupin.

"Hello." He smiles at us.

"Hi." I smile back. He just stands there, looking at us.

"Do you need anything professor?" Enzo questions.

He walks towards us. "Look, I'll get straight fo the point. I am a professor, I know one in five teenagers smoke. One, two, three, four, five," he counts us, "now, I'm going to close my eyes and when I open them there had better be a cigarette between these two fingers," he lifts up two fingers for us to put a cigarette in between. Then he shuts his eyes. We all look at each other, trying really hard not to laugh, "come on people, I'm begging you." This man really needs a cigarette. I take out my box and one cigarette between his two fingers.
"Thank you. Light please."
Theo, Enzo, Draco and Blaise pull out lighters and I can't take it. I start laughing. They all light up his cigarette and he opens his eyes.
"Thank you. What are you doing at the astronomy tower?" He asks.

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