The ball

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Alice's pov

It's beautiful all around. The ballroom is very large, it's decorated with a bunch of silver fabrics, silver everything, it's right beside the dining room, where we will later eat.

Theo and I are standing at the side of the room, hand in hand.

"Alice, dear, you look very beautiful." Narcissa comes up to us.

"Thank you. You look incredible." I compliment her back.

"Thank you, dear. I'm going to go to my husband now. Enjoy." She leaves for Lucious who apparently came back home today.

"Hey, you guys want to get out of here?" Enzo comes up from behind us.

"Yes, very much." Theo answers and we get out of the house.

Draco and Blaise are already outside with a bottle of whisky. I grab it from Draco's hand and sit down on the stairs beside him.

"Hey, I was drinking that!" He complains.

"I need this more then you do, Malfoy." I begin chugging some of the drink down.

"And why is that exactly?" He questions.

"It's my first ball." I simply answer.

"No it isn't." He replies.

"Yea it is." Theo responds for me.

"I remember you. When we were five you-" I cut Draco off,

"I was in the dungeon with my mother, you were at the ball." I sip on the drink.

"Yeah, we talked about it earlier." Theo takes the bottle from my hand and I stare at him angrily.

"Where are Tom and Mattheo? Have you seen them?" Enzo asks.

"I haven't seen them pretty much since the ball began." Blaise says.

"This is strange." Enzo speaks.

"They are probably going around speaking with everyone. You know how they are in these balls." Theo lights up a cigarette.

"I really don't know how they are, actually." I grab the cigarette from his mouth and begin smoking it myself, making him take another one out.

"Well, they are the sons of the dark lord." Draco explains. Just then, Tom appears at the door.

"Alice, could you come with me?" He asks. Bloody hell, why me?

Look who just arrived," Enzo speaks, "We were just questioning where you and your brother were."

Tom sighs, "well, I'm right here. Now, Jones, could you come?" He keeps asking.

"Well, can I come later? I'm kind of in the kids of a much needed cigarette."

He scoffs. "I wasn't asking. Come with me. Now." He sternly says.

"You think I was asking? I'm in the middle of smoking, wait." I copy his speech. Then, he comes towards me, grabs my wrist and drags me behind him. "What the hell?" I speak.

Theo chases after us, "Hey I'll come with you." He drops his cigarette and so do I.

"No, stay here." Tom says as he closes the door behind us, keeping Theo and the rest outside.

Tom appirates us. "What is going on?!" I yell. I look around, we're in the dungeon. This is giving me flashbacks for the last time u was here at a ball.

Tom throws me to a chair, "Sit down." He says as he does.

Mattheo is here. Of course he's also here. Then the cell opens and in coming are Peter Pettigrew, Lucious Malfoy and Bellatrix Lastrange.

"What the fuck?" I say under my breath.

"Hello dear, it's quite a nice dress you've got there." Bellatrix says with that crazy smile of her.

"Your sister chose it. What's going on?" I keep my cool.

"The dark lord  gave you very clear orders to join when you are of age and until then be loyal to his sons. For some reason, you are not convinced of that." Lucious says.

"Yes because his sons and him are a bunch of bitches," I spit at him, "and so are you." He puts his wand to my neck.

"Don't you dare speak of us like that." Tom speaks.

"Whatever, I'm out of here."  I apparate to my room upstairs. Using my wand to quickly pack all of my things, including the journal in my closet, take my suitcase and apparate back to Sirius'.

"Hello." I say as I appear in the kitchen
Ella, Ben and Sirius are eating dinner.

"What happened?" Ella asks worriedly.

"Nothing serious." I sit down next to Sirius, take a plate and some food since I missed the big dinner.

"Have you been drinking?" Sirius probably smelled the alcohol off me.

"A little." I answer.

"So what happened?" Ben questions.

"Tom, Mattheo, pettigrew, Lucious and Bellatrix kind of... ambushed me." They all stop eating and look at me.

"How exactly?" Ella asks.

"Well, apparently every year they have this annual Christmas ball and-" I start, but Sirius cuts me off.

"Yeah, I know. It used to happen in my house almost every year. Did you not know you were going for that?" He asks.

"No, I didn't know. But, Narcissa gave me a dress and everything. Anyways, all of my friends and I were outside, and we didn't know where Tom and Mattheo were but then Tom opened the door to outside and just dragged me into the dungeon and they were there. But it's fine, I just appirated like you told me." I explain and eat a bite of my food.

"Bloody hell, are you hurt?" Ben asks.

"No... I mean, Lucious did put his sharp ass wand to my neck but I'm not hurt." I say. Sirius looks at me strangely.

"What did they want from you?" He asks. Shit, I might have forgotten that detail.

"Um... we'll, don't panic or anything..."

Ella then stops me from continuing speaking, "Alice, what is it?" She looks worried.

"They want me to give my loyalties to him." They all immediately understand what I'm talking about.

"He wants you to be a Death Eater." Ella states.

"Firstly, no. They want my loyalties. When I'm 'of age' whatever that means, they'll make me a Death Eater. Second, it's them, not him. I don't think he ever asked for that. Even Mattheo and Tom don't know where he is." I explain.

Sirius sighs and thinks, "First thing first write to Cheryl about what happened. If you hear anything about his return you come to me straightaway. Understand?" I nod.

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