Prologue- chapter 1

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Alice's pov

"My dear child," I hear his awful voice saying, "you should've stayed away"

I look up at him, trying to show I'm not scared of him, but not finding words to say from how truly terrified I am.

I am tied up, not able to really move much at all.
I am in an awful graveyard, surrounded by death eaters, and of course, him.

The person my father worked for, just to then betray. The person my mother worked her all life to beat. The person who killed them both at the end. The dark lord himself.

"Cat's got your tongue?" I hear coming right after a high pitched laughter. I look to my side and find myself looking at Bellatrix Lastrange.
I just stare at her, not knowing what to do.

But then I hear his voice again;"Pathetic," he chuckles. Like it's amusing for him. They like seeing people in pain. They like hurting people for some reason. He points his wand at me, "Avada Kadevra!" He shouts. A green light comes out of his wand, sending terrifying shivers down my body, and I wake up.

Breathing heavily and sweating I look at the clock in my bedroom wall. It's 7:30 in the morning.
I just stare at the wall for a few minutes as I try to calm my breathing down.

Once my brain finally realizes it was just a dream I get up and walk to the kitchen. I make myself a large mug of hot coffee. I sit down and take a big gulp. I'm not really hungry, but coffee is good.

I stare at the wall as I drink the coffee, just thinking.
The dream I had was bad, but nothing unusual, honestly most of the time they are worst.
I have these kind of dreams a lot, ever since my mother died I had dreams like that. They don't always necessarily have to do with death eaters, but they are always vivid, they always feel a bit too real. And of course, they are always bad dreams, nightmares, not the kind of dream you'll sleep well on.

My mother died when I was seven years old, so you can imagine I haven't slept very well in a long time.

I've never met my father. He was killed while my mother was pregnant with me.
She worked for the order of the phoenix, my mother, or as I remember her saying; 'Dumbledore's little military base'. She didn't like Dumbledore very much, she never trusted him, she only worked with the order to defeat Voldemort, nothing more then that.

She was a spells and potions creator. Of course she did it secretly, the ministry of magic couldn't know about these spells, only the order could. Most of them were very dangerous. I know most of them of course, she started teaching me magic before I could walk pretty much. And I am good at it, very good at it, one of the best of my age. I also inherited the talent of creating spells from her.

My father I don't know much about, only that his name was Edward, that he came from a pure blood, death eater family. He himself was a death eater for a while, but then he met my mother and joined the order. He was spying on the death eaters, pretending to still be one of them. When they caught up to that, Voldemort killed him.

Me and my mother ran away from death eaters the entire time she was alive. We were both marked for death. It wasn't enough for death eaters to kill my parents, they needed to kill me too. People always told me that I need to be prepared for when he returns so I'll be prepared to fight. They said I don't have a choice. And so they prepared me. I was sent to a sort of secret school in London for extremely young witches and wizards so I could learn magic properly faster instead of sending me to some orphanage. There I met Cheryl, Ella and Ben.

Cheryl finished Hogwarts last year, at the end of my second year there, Ella is three years older then me, she is about to start her 6th year at Hogwarts, and Ben is one year younger then me, he is about to start his second year. We met at that school, all of us were sent there, all of us not having proper families or not having families at all.
Now we live together, just the 4 of us.
We are like siblings to each other. We were raised together for a large period of our lives.

Cheryl was a Ravenclaw when she was at Hogwarts, Ella, Ben and I are Gryffindors. I mean, I think I'm a Gryffindor. I never actually had a sorting ceremony.
When I got to Hogwarts Dumbledore, of course, knew who my parents were and abused the opportunity to do things for him.
The first thing being not actually getting sorted and going to Gryffindor, no questions asked.
I agreed, thinking about how my mom wanted me to be in Gryffindor, but I had one condition, Dumbledore is to make sure that Tom and Mattheo Riddle will not die because of their father.

I know all of the death eaters because of my parents. I have sadly also met most of them in person, and also their children.

All of their kids are with me at Hogwarts, all of them in Slytherin. All except Tom and Mattheo who aren't with us at school. They came once in a while. Apparate to the Slytherin common room to hangout with their friends, and, for what I can tell, to escape away from their house.

I don't like Tom and Mattheo. Not one bit. I just wanted to make sure they won't die because of their father's abuse, because nobody deserves that, because I just feel bad for them- it's unfair, being treated like that by your parent. And I had a few opportunities to see how he treats them.

Later on Dumbledore asked me for another favor.
Make sure Harry Potter who quickly became my friend in the first year to say the word "Voldemort" instead of calling him "you know who" or "the dark lord" when he talks about him. I agreed to that as well, having another condition; he will make sure Harry won't get killed. After all, Harry is the boy who lived. Everyone knows Voldemort is after him.
Dumbledore hesitated upon this request, but he eventually agreed.

As I am chugging my last bit of coffee I spot Cheryl walking into the kitchen from the corner of my eye.
"Good, Alice, you're awake."  She grabs a glass of water.

"Hmm?" I shake my head pulling myself out of thought. I shift my head from the wall to her.

"Get ready, we are going to Diagon Alley today."


Hoped you enjoyed the first chapter of many <3
This was more of an introduction chapter, there isn't a lot of dialogue but the next chapters will be very different and very good.

The story will get more interesting as it progresses, I hope you'll be interested enough to get to that point❤️

One last thing, hate will not be tolerated. If you have something mean to say, don't say anything at all.

I love you all so much and hope you enjoy! <3

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