Tom Riddle

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Tom Marvolo Riddle better known as Lord Voldemort is a half blood wizard considered to be the most powerful and dangerous Dark Wizard of all time.
He is amongst the greatest wizards to have ever lived, often considered more powerful or equal to Albus Dumbledore.

The only child and son of  Tom and Merope Riddle (previously Gaunt), Tom was raised in the Muggle- run wool's orphanage after his father abandoned his new family on the streets of London when the influence of Merope's magic was lifted, and his mother died moments after giving birth to and naming him after his father and maternal grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt.

Tom's family on his mother's side were the last known memebers of the house of Gaunt.
The Gaunts were an ancient, and formerly wealthy, wizarding family, noted for producing individuals with violent and unstable personalities due to generations of inbreeding.
Because of the Gaunt family's love for grandeur, along with little sensibility at their iddulgence, the family gold was gambled away and gone long before the last of the known heirs of the lineage were born.
Likewise, a tendency to 'marry their own cousins' to 'keep their blood pure', following the beliefs of their ancestor Salazar Slytherin, caused the heirs to the Gaunt name to suffer the ill-effects of generations of inbreeding and incest.

Tom's maternal grandfather, Marvolo Gaunt, and his maternal uncle, Morfin Gaunt, claimed to be the last known male, pure blood descendants of Slytherin by the early 20th century. As such, they regarded themselves as 'royalty for their ancestry, despite their poverty, squalor, lack of education, and mental and physical disorders from centuries of familial inbreeding.

Tom's father, Tom Riddle senior, was a wealthy Muggle living in the village of Little Hangelton, near the Gaunt shack, who was forced into a relationship with Merope Gaunt through the suspected use of the imperious curse or a live potion.
After some time, it is suspected by Albus Dumbledore that Merope discontinued her bewitchment of Tom, in the hopes that had really fallen in love with her, or would at least stay for their child's sake. To Merope's great sorrow, Tom fled from her after he came to his senses and regained his free will and never wanted to see her again.

Tom Marvolo Riddle was born on 31 December, 1926 at Wool's Orphanage in London.
His mother Merope staggered to the door of the orphanage, gave birth to Tom there, and died shortly after.

Riddle grew up in the dinghy orphanage, completely unaware of his wizarding heritage. Since the muggle orphanage stuff did not know anything about his mother, they did not know about his magical background.
Instead, they believed Merope was a circus worker, as Mrs. Cole told Dumbledore shortly before his first meeting with Riddle. It is unknown wether or not the staff reviled this to Riddle before his first encounter with Dumbledore.

Despite his ignorance of his mother's true backgrounds, Riddle did have some gasp on his abilities beyond that of normal magical children of his same age, and an unusually high degree of control over them.
He could move objects with his mind and caused them to float wherever he wished, manipulate animals and creatures as he wished, speak Parseltongue , and use his powers to inflict harm I. Other orphans.

At a very early age, it was cleared that Riddle displayed a desire to be different from others. Riddle also showed an eminent fear of death, considering it a human weakness.
He claimed that his mother could not have been a witch, because if she was magical, then she would have been able to avoid dying, and thought his father was an alumnus of Hogwarts, to which Dumbledore he did not know off hand. Riddle was educated at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry from 1938 to 1945 and was sorted into the Slytherin house, a nod to his ancestor Salazar Slytherin.

I skip to a part in the book I'm reading about the Gaunts to a part about Morfi Gaunt. I've never heard of him.

Around August, 1943 Riddle went to Little Hangelton to learn about his mother's family, while at the Gaunt shack, he met his uncle, Morfin Gaunt.
That day, Morfin Gaunt went over to the Riddle house and murdered Riddle's father, grandfather and grandmother with the killing curse. When the ministry investigated this crime, Morfin, who had previously served three years in Azkaban for using magic intron and against Muggles, freely admitted to the deed and was sentenced to life In Azkaban.
His entire way to Azkaban, Morfin continuously yelled about his ring, a heirloom he got from Marvolo Gaunt that has been of the family for generations. Morfin continuously yelled about the ring being gone.

The ring. The stone was made into a ring. Riddle must have took it in his visit.
But, why would Morfin kill the Riddles? Did Voldemort convince him to? Did he say something? It's not a coincidence that he was there and suddenly Morfin went crazy. And, the ring was gone.
The question is, where did Tom put it?
I read more about the ring.

Marvolo Gaunt's ring was a heirloom of the house of Gaunt, descendants of Salazar Slytherin and Cadmus Peverell.

It was a golden ring inset with a black stone, engraved with what Marvolo Gaunt called The Peverell coat of arms, as it has come into the Gaunt line from an heiress of the Peverells, not the Slytherin family.
The ring passed down through the male Gaunts, generation to generation until it was stolen from Morfin Gaunt.

If I'll ever manage to retrieve the stone, I could speak to Regulus, James, Morfin and even the Riddles if needed.
I know where the wand and the cloak are, but I don't really care about them, I need the ring.


Next week you'll also be getting 3 chapters, again Sunday Wednesday and Friday❤️

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