Ravenclaw girl

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"Where are you going for the holiday, Miss Jones?" Professor Lupin asks me. I'm currently packing my things at the end of the class. I look around to see that Lupin and I are the only ones here.

"I thought we agreed on first name basis, and I'm going to stay with Padfoot." I use his fake name so that if someone hears they won't know who I'm talking about.

"To his old house?" He questions and I nod. "Well, then I might pay you a visit." He smiles at me.

"By the way," I finish packing up my things, "The Marauder's map? What a lame name." I chuckle.

"So you've found our map, huh?" He snickers.

"Not me, Fred and George. They gave it to Harry though." I explain.

He giggles lightly. "Goodbye Alice. If I don't see you over the holiday, I'll see you after."

"Have a nice holiday, Remus." I give him a small bow to greet him goodbye.

"Have a nice holiday Alice."

I get out of the DADA classroom. This was our last class before the holidays so for the rest of the day I am completely free.

"What took you so long?" Theo wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"I was talking to Lupin." I smile at him.

"Yeah, I've heard. 'Have a nice holiday Remus'." He imitates me.

"Oh, shove off." I lightly push him aside, he takes his arm off my shoulders.

"So, what are you doing right now?" He asks.

"Nothing, what about you?"

He rolls his tongue to the side of his cheek. "We're hanging out in our dorm now. Mattheo and Tom are going to be there, but you should come." He invites me.

"Yeah, sure."

* * * *
Theo's pov

We get to my dorm. Enzo, Tom, Malfoy and Blaise are already there.

"What took you so long?" Malfoy asks.

"I was speaking with Lupin." Alice answers with her soft voice.

"Wait, Mattheo isn't with you?" Enzo asks.

"No, was he supposed to be?" I question.

"I don't know. He didn't come with us, we thought he was waiting for you." Blaise replies.

Just then the door opens, and in comes Mattheo.

"Where were you?" Tom asks him.

"I asked a girl out." Mattheo responds.

Before anyone can say anything Alice speaks up; "Oh, I'm sorry." She says.

"Why?" He asks. We all look at her with questioning looks.

"Well, I assumed she said no." She explains.

"No, she said yes." Mattheo corrects her.

"Really?" She looks surprised, "oh, I'm sorry for her then." A laugh escapes my mouth, Enzo chokes from trying to hold his laughter, Malfoy and Zabini laugh hysterically and Mattheo and Tom just look angry.

"Well, princess, have you reconsidered my offer?" Malfoy speaks up through laughter.

"What offer?" She asks as she giggles.

"Coming to stay at the manor for four days?" He speaks with a tone of question.

"Yeah, sure I'll come." She agrees. A smile goes up my face. This is bound to be perfect.

"So, mate, who'd you ask out?" Enzo asks Mattheo.

"Some Ravenclaw girl." He lights up a cigarette.

"One of the girls that with us at the tower last time?" I ask.
He smirks and nods. I give him a high five.

"They were a bunch of snobs." Alice says.

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