The journal

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"wake up. Breakfast is ready." Ben wakes me up. I rub my eyes, I did not sleep well at all.

I get ready and walk downstairs. It's Christmas eve today. An amazing smell comes from the kitchen, I yawn as I enter the dining room. when I open my eyes I see a lot of food on the table; toast, pancakes, bacon, eggs- everything.

"Good morning." I say as I sit down.

The doorbell then rings.

"Who is that?" Ben asks, worried since no one is supposed to know we are all here, especially Sirius.

"It's okay, we're expecting a guest. You can come in!" Sirus yells.

The door opens and in walks the incredible smiling face of professor Lupin. Sirius immediately gets up to hug him. "Haven't spent Christmas together in a while." Lupin laughs.

"Something like 12 years." Sirius snickers.

"Hey there." He opens his arms for us us to hug. It feels sort of strange, hugging my professor, but not in an uncomfortable way... more so in a way that it simply is; strange.

He high fives Ella and Ben.

"Hello, I'm Cheryl." Cher reaches out her hand for him to shake.

"Remus Lupin," he shakes her hand, "I am their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this year." He explains.

After we are finished eating I go upstairs to my room for the holiday, Regulus' room.

I begin looking around, but it's as if the room never belonged to anyone, it was just another abandoned room in an enormous house. There is not a single mark of someone ever living here. Nothing left on the desk, nothing left on the walls.

I go around the room, dragging my fingers on the wall so I could feel if something is loose, maybe there is something hidden in the wall.

Nothing. Nothing at all. It's unlikely there would be anything, the room was cleaned well.
I look under the bed, even though, I don't think there will be anything there. And, again, nothing.

I'm just about to give up when I walk over to the old wooden desk again. I open the drawers and bend down, checking if anything is hidden underneath them. As I am about to just let go of the whole idea, I notice a small black corner of what looks like a book.
I grab it, it's a small yet very heavy black diary imprinted with silver initials: R.A.B.

I open the diary on the first page, 'This journal is in position of Regulus Arcturus Black' is written in a beautiful cursive handwriting.

I stuff the journal in my suitcase. I'll read it once I get to Hogwarts, I want to enjoy the holiday for now.

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