1 oclock

436 19 3

Alice's pov

"Hey, Alice." Theo comes up to me as I am walking to class.

"Hey." I say. He walks beside me.

"Listen, sorry I didn't come last night, something came up." He apologizes for us not going to the astronomy tower.

"Uh, Theo, when it's one o'clock in the morning and you don't come by to eat my food, that's okay." I say sarcastically. But, he should have told me that we wasn't coming.

"You're mad at me." He states.

"I'm not mad." I argue. He rolls his eyes. He doesn't believe me. But, of course he doesn't believe me, because I am a bit mad, and who knows me better then Theo.

"I'm sorry." He says.

I exhale deeply. "It's okay. I forgive you. But maybe try to notice me somehow next time."

He grins lightly. "I promise I will."

I walk back to the Gryffindor common room after classes.

The corridor is quiet and I get an uneasy feeling, like someone is watching me. It's so quiet it scares me.
I look around, there's no one there.

I look to one side, then the other. Then to my back, but when I look to the front, I get pushed to a wall.

"Don't you dare call me a twat!" Mattheo shouts from beside me as Tom pushes me to the wall.

"Merlin, Mattheo, why are you such a bully?" I hiss.

"I'm not a bully. I just don't appreciate you calling me names." He speaks sternly but calmly.

"Fine, then. I won't call you names if you stop stalking me and pushing me against walls." I push Tom away with wandless magic.

I begin walking away but Mattheo grabs my wrist harshly.

"You make it pretty difficult when you don't listen otherwise." Tom says. This is bloody annoying.

"Can you two not do two things at the same time?" I question.

"What?" Mattheo asks.

"Only one holds me while the other talks." I mock them.

"Shut up." Mattheo grabs the roots of my hair.

"Oh, so you can do two things at once. Can you, Tom?" I grin at the other boy.

"Yes, I in fact can." He slaps me hard across the face.

"Ow." I lift my hand to wipe my lips. I but it when he slapped me, so that sucks.

"Why did you do that?" I complain.

"Don't mock me and I won't." He speaks through gritted teeth.

"But you make it so easy... are you still doing this for your daddy or is it actually because I called you a twat?" I mock them again.

"Shut up." Mattheo pulls my hair harder. I hiss.

"So is 'shut up' all you know to say, is that your deal?" I always make the same mistake of making them angrier then before. But I can't help it.

"Shove off, Alice." Mattheo let's me go and Tom pushes me to the wall again, he chokes me.

"Why won't you shove off?" I push him back again.

"Imperio." He points his wand at me.

"Now, why won't you be a good girl and stop doing that?" Mattheo pushes me to the wall again. He chokes me really hard, I can't breathe whatsoever.

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