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Blurb featuring the one and only...  Draco 'ferret' Malfoy!!!


Severus looks down at his muggle watch underneath the sleeve of his robe and sighs

"Malfoy, go see what's the matter with Y/n. We need to get moving before they come."

Draco walks over to your hunched figure  staring intently down at a desk.

"What are you doing?" He curiously, and somewhat hesitantly, asks.

"Filling out the Ministry's idiotic questions. I'm glad Umbridge is gone but the Ministry is still berserk."

Draco leans over your shoulder to see what question you were on.

His eyes trace over the paper as he reads it aloud;
"Q: 8 Do you have any dangerous items in your possession, such as enchanted figures, weapons, etc? If you do, you will be required to hand them over. If you do not follow this instruction, you may be incarcera-"

Draco stops reading the question to look down at your answer.

"It just says 'fuck around and find out' in cursive."

Severus Snape OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now