The Blame Game

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"Please, please don't tell either of them!" You hoarsely whimper out, trying not to cry.

"They'll never forgive themselves." You sniffle, tears cascading down your unhealthy pale cheeks.

Last night you went out into the edge of the forbidden forest, after you had heard Professor Snape muttering about needing some ingredients. Did he directly ask you to go into the forest? Not exactly- but he did mention something about if you wanted to help. But it wasn't his fault- it was you that chose to go out last night in particular.

You figured that it would be a nice gesture to collect an ingredient for him to take to class the next day. A quite simple task at that too- just scavenging for a type of small red flower that had a silver hue to it's petals. It wasn't terribly too far deep into the forest, it was merely off a path about ten feet in. But it didn't matter..

What you didn't know- was that last night was a full moon.

This was probably the worst night to have chosen to go into the forbidden forest.

You had known about Professor Lupin's condition after hearing him and Professor Snape discuss it one night. When he figured out that you knew, you swore not to tell anybody. But how could you in the first place? You wouldn't dare ruin that man's reputation- he was an angel!

Somehow, his uh.. other personality decided to make a guest-star appearance. Despite trying to get the wolf-man to recognize you, it ultimately failed. The night ended bloody after the werewolf made an enormous slash with his huge claws over you midsection. Blood was gushing out and you screamed so loudly- the pain hadn't even hit yet, but you were afraid of what else could happen. Professor McGonagall and Headmaster Dumbledore had heard your blood-curdling screams, as they were taking a late night stroll and having a discussion. The Headmaster scared off the werewolf while McGonagall ran towards your half-conscious figure.

Because it wasn't a bite, you did not contract lycanthropy.

The two teachers had gotten you to the medical wing immediately and as McGonagall went to inform your professors, you grasped her sleeve with your bloody hand- telling her to not to.

It was now the next day and you had lost a lot of blood. After explaining what had happened, you were begging for your professors to not tell either of your father figures what had happened last night and why you were out there in the first place.

"Professor Snape will blame himself, as will Professor Moony." You sigh, sniffling at the thought of the two men distancing themselves from you.

Dumbledore sadly sighs as he stands there, hands clasped in front of him in thought. Professor McGonagall continues to hold your hand as she sits in the chair next to your bed.

"We won't tell them. But you likely will have to at some point. For now, just focusing on getting better. Madam Pomfrey will keep you behind this curtain so she can keep an eye on you." The old man says.

"Albus, you just want her to avoid them until she's better? Even with Poppy's healing skills, she will be here for at least a week. Severus and Remus will notice that she isn't in class." The woman next to you states.

"We'll tell them she is sick. I'll have a friend of Miss Y/l/n's bring her the necessary schoolwork." The Headmaster replies, dropping his hands to his sides.

Though not fully convinced, Professor McGonagall nods her head before standing up.

"Feel better soon, dear. Don't worry." She softly says.

Dumbledore gives a sympathetic smile before following the woman out of the medical wing.

~ The next day ~

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