A Question

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Wiping the tears off of your face with the back of your hand, you trudge your way down the dark corridor.

Today was just. . . one of those days.

Where nothing really specific happens, but by the end of it, it feels as though you had the weight of the world upon your shoulders.

Your tears had become your friends at this point- frequently reappearing in times of distress, yet not always the remedy to a bad evening.

It is currently eight at night and you have no idea as to where your feet are taking you. In the back of your mind, you knew. But still, the complete reason was uncertain.

Finally reaching the office across from the Slytherin common room, you lazily ball your hands into fists before lightly rapping your knuckles against the wood.

A brief moment of silence passes. In reality it couldn't have been more than five seconds, but it felt as though five minutes had gone by.

A sudden sense of relief filled you when you heard the deep masculine voice call out "Enter" from the other side of the door.

Twisting the brass knob, the door opens with a creak and you sigh.

Professor Snape is stood in front of the fire place, holding a mostly empty glass of water, observing some picture frames and trinkets atop the mantle.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?.." He asks without turning his head to you. The sarcasm laced in his voice wasn't even terribly insulting or him sounding annoyed- just blatantly tired.

You close the door behind you, leaning up against it. Your gaze falls to the floor, a sniffle escaping from you.

Goddamn it, not now.. you thought

"Y/n?" You feel his gaze on you and you reply to him by shakily exhaling.

"Y/n. ." He quietly repeats.

You look up at him and shake your head- why, you can't explain.

"Was it that kind of day, love?" The comforting pet name finally made you crumble.

All you wanted to be was in the arm's of a trusted one, who would keep you safe under their wings.

"Mhm." You whimper, closing your eyes as you purse your lips together tightly.

"What can I do to help you?" He softly replies, the sound of him setting his drink down is heard.

You finally meet his gaze, tears streaming down your cheeks.

"Can you just.. hold me?"


"Absolutely, I can."

Severus Snape OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now