Conference Night

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Summary: It is conference night at Hogwarts for magical and unmagical parents/relatives, but there is just one problem... You don't have either.

"..Who are you bringing?.."

"..Maybe my mom? My dad hopefully.."

"...My grandma is coming tonight. She works at the Ministry of Magic, y'know?.. Totally not to brag but..."

"... Actually, it starts at 7:00pm.."

"..Both of my parents are coming. I've gotten such high grades lately. They're buying me the newest broom.."

Muffled voices talk over one another in the Slytherin common room, discussing the conference that is taking place the next night. With a frustrated sigh, you slam your book closed and jump up from the couch.

Trying to make the quickest escape as possible, you pass by a group of seventh years as they glance over at you with looks of pity.

Your nostrils flare and your face burns as you look away from them, keeping your gaze straight ahead of you. You race out of the way of an approaching group of girls, already having muttered the password; "Pure blood". 

You walk past them as you make your way around the dungeons, approaching a dimly lit corridor. You had just the place in mind.


Only another turn or two, do you approach a hallway with a dead end. You had discovered this secret little reading nook in your second year. From then on, for the past three years, you have been sitting here in a routinely fashion. It was higher up in the dungeons, so it wasn't as dark and cold. You supposed it wasn't necessarily a secret space, simply because the wood chair with the cushion had been there when (and likely before) you discovered it.

You sit down on the seat and look at the wall, higher up until it almost touches the ceiling. There is a small window that lets in the perfect amount of light- enough for you to see your book, yet dark enough to keep the mellow aura of the dim corridor.

You open up the book and back to the page you were on before you left. For what seems like hours, your eyes remain on the same page, unable to focus on the actual words. You eventually give up and growl in frustration, tossing the book to the ground.

The only thought that was able to pass through your mind, was the conversations that were being held before.

Everyone is so excited about the opportunity to show their relatives all of their work. But you, on the other hand, are completely dreading this event. It was one thing you did not look forward to at all each year.

You didn't have anyone to bring, simply put. Your mom had been in a horrific magical accident about a month after you started Hogwarts.  That explains all of the pitying and even mocking glances everyone has been giving you for five years. Ever since everybody found out, you've been labeled as "The girl with the dead Mum". To be fair, there were worse things to be called.

But now to your father.. If you could even call him that..

You and your dad have always shared a strained relationship- it was almost like he was intentionally keeping you at an arm's length. Though to be honest, he likely just didn't give a shit about you at all. The only thing he did was provide just (barely) enough money to put food on the table.. You made the extra money, folded laundry, bought groceries, made dinner, and cleaned the house. All he did was come home after a nine hour shift, hang up his jacket, and pass out with a bud light in his hand. Which you also had to deal with- scrubbing the strong odor of spilled beer out of the carpet, along with the occasional sprinkles of cigarette ash that sticks to it.

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