Tell Me When My Sorrow's Over

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Here is your request!

I decided to kill two birds with one stone (combine two story ideas) but going back to the request, I accidentally read HARRY's sis, not James's sis. I didn't realize it until I had already written the story.

**I also decided to base this story off of the  song, "Possibility", because I felt like the lyrics really matched. Please listen to the song!


Life isn't exactly a walk in the park for you. Being Harry Potter's sister and a Ravenclaw?

There's a possibility
There's a possibility
All that I had was all I'm gon' get

"Hey aren't you Harry Potter's twin?"

"Why aren't you in Gryffindor?"

"What's it like being the lesser Potter?"

"Who're you again?... Oh right, my bad.. Potter?.. Oh, I didn't know he had a sister.."

Comments like that had been thrown in your face since your very first day of class. It was always "the boy who lived... Oh, and his little sister."

There's a possibility
There's a possibility
All I gon' get is gon' be yours then
All I gon' get is gon' be yours still

Technically, you were the girl who lived as well.

Eh. Typical misogyny.

Despite being in the very same crib as him that fateful night, nobody acknowledged your entire existence.

Not the Dursley's, not the golden trio (though occasionally Hermione), and not even the Weasley's.

The twins were kind to you and hopefully not just out of pity. But your stomach dropped each time you heard Molly Weasley exclaim with glee,

"Harry, dear!" As she wrapped her arms around him in a motherly embrace. Best you ever got from her was a pat on the back with a quiet "Hello".

Was it because you weren't in the same house as him?..

Likely not. The two of you were different people. You were more reserved and kept to yourself, sticking to books. Though, you have enjoyed the very few 'normal' conversations you had with others. Aka, ones that didn't mention your brother or your failure compared to him.

The twins and Neville are the closest people you have ever been to. Neville knew somewhat what it was like to be in your shoes. Not having a famous brother, of course- but the feeling of invisibility.

Time carried on through Hogwarts and even your own brother distanced himself from you.

It's sort of funny how life changes as you grow older.

In the beginning it was just you and him against the world, only having each other. But from first year and on, he didn't talk to you as much or even so much as look at you. It wasn't hate or resentment. If anything, that was worse. Because at least he'd notice that you were there..

The teachers weren't any different. Professor Snape was an acception. If anything, he was your favorite because despite his bitchy comments, he is (like mentioned before) at least aware of your existence.

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