Absolutely Not.

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I quietly (and sarcastically) chuckle to myself as I look down at the cast that adorns my right forearm. The memory of me falling off of my broom flashes through my mind and I outwardly wince- partially because of my injury, but mostly cringing at the stupid trick I pulled.

Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster stand next to my bed after having heard the whole incident. My head of house sighs and rubs her temples as she tiredly looks at the bruises that cover my wrist.

"Severus won't be too happy about this.." Professor Dumbledore mutters with a slight twinkle in his eye.

I snap my head up to the old Headmaster as the alarms in my head begin to blare. My eyes slightly widen and I nervously scoff at the idea of my dad seeing me this way. There would be hell to pay- either because of how stupid I was or because of how much I worried him. Likely both.

"Oh, Professor, please no! Can't you just let it slide?" I beg, my eyes pleading.

If my leg weren't also in a cast, I would've made a run for it.

"You knew he was going to come, lov- Speak of the devil." McGonagall says, looking over her shoulder.

"WHERE IS SHE???!" I hear a deep booming voice shout out of view.

I groan and sink further down into the hospital bed.

McGonagall awkwardly clears her throat and readjusts the glasses that rest upon her nose. She then walks away, not wanting to be around that man while he was riled up. Dumbledore slightly smirks and follows the other professor.

"Y/N!" I hear my dad scream.

The curtain is harshly whipped back, and my father- in all of his bat-like glory, stands there absolutely FUMING. His pale face is slightly red.

Merlin, please kill me now before my father carries out the job himself.

"Why the bloody hell are students of mine talking about the failed 'stunt' that you apparently tried to pull?!" He growls out before taking a seat in a nearby chair.

The next ten minutes include him rambling on about how irresponsible I was and all of the gruesome ways that I could have died.

"...such an idiotic swine, I taught you better than that! Do you wish to be killed? What..."

I tune out his rambling and simply stare between the ground, his forehead, and his large hooked nose.

Taking a deep breath, he stops his angry speech and leans back into his chair with a sharp exhale. He rests his elbow on the armrest and pinches the bridge of his nose as his eyes are squeezed shut.

With a heavy pause and yet another deep sigh, he begins again in a quieter, yet firm tone.

"As idiotic as that stunt was, I'm glad that you are alright. I was very worried." He  states, looking at me with his tired eyes.

"Does that mean I ca-"

"Absolutely not."

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