When I come a-knockin'

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Warning: Implied harassment, creepy dudes

"Hello?! Somebody! Help!!!" I scream, running from two men in the street.

I run down Spinner's End in the summer night, the starless dark sky looking above my head- as though it were reflecting my situation. Isolated and dark.

The men wolf whistle at me as I rush down the old road paved in bricks.

"Leave me alone! I'm only fifteen you creeps!" I shout over my shoulder.

The men only chuckle and one of them faintly mutters something like "ooh, a young piece of ass". His comment scared me even more and I pick up my pace as the men remain steadily speed walking a few metres behind me.

I don't know what their intention is! They started following me two blocks behind. I can't use my magic since this is a muggle town.

I huff in frustration and look around. Every house light is off and everyone is ignoring my pleads for help.

Making a bold move and hoping that I don't knock on some freak's door, I quickly run up the steps to a dingey complex on the corner.

I bang on the door as the men stay about ten feet behind, getting closer and closer as if they were ready to pull me into the nearby alley.

Tears run down my cheeks and I bang on the door repeatedly.

"Please! Open the door! Help!!" I cry out and the man that made the comment about me earlier is now in arms reach.


"Do you have any idea what time it i- What the bloody hell?" A familiar voice starts bellowing out as the door opens.

I sniffle and meet a man clad in black. I look up to meet the person's gaze and I realize that it is my potions teacher. He lives here?? What are the odds...

"Professor please!" I wail.

He slowly looks over my shoulder and sees the two men not far behind. The one that was about to grab onto me takes a step backwards when he sees the professor's eyes.

Professor Snape's eyes narrow to a deadly slit when he realizes what was happening. I step out of the way so he sticks a foot out of the doorway, glaring at the men with disgust. 


The two men hold the hands up in retreat and shrug, then walking away quickly.

I lean my forehead against the doorway and try to control my sobbing. I take a few deep breaths through my nose, pressing my palm against the wall for balance.

"Miss Y/L/N, fifth year Hufflepuff, correct?" The man quietly asks, his demeanour shifting to more relaxed now that the men were gone.

I take my head away from the wall and sniffle, nodding my head as I keep my gaze on the ground.

"S-Sorry for coming here.. th-they-"

"It is alright, I understand. This isn't quite a great neighborhood to be in, let alone at night." The man quietly replies, stepping back into his house.

After brief moment I shakily turn around, yet afraid to leave the man's presence. What if they're watching right now? What if they come back? Will more people try to-

"Would you like to come inside? You seem a bit shaken up... Though I cannot blame you. Those men were utter dogs.." he says in a low voice, slightly snarling at the last words.

I turn around and face him. I can only imagine how disheveled I look.

This man (surprisingly) had never been mean to me. Not once. Although I suppose I haven't given him a reason to be. I'm a quieter and more well-behaved student. In fact, he if anything, was more polite. I liked his quiet demeanor in a way. It was less intense and calming. I was aware of his intimidating side, but he wasn't always that way.

Although he favored his Slytherins, it was very clear that the man appreciated the peaceful days with the Hufflepuffs.

As shaken up as I am, I know that I can trust this man.

So I nod my hand and he steps aside, opening the door a bit.

As soon as he closes the door behind me, I realize that he had his wand in hand. He conjures up a small blue handkerchief. I bittersweetly smile and take the cloth from the man as I mumble a quiet "thank you".

"Mhm... Now, I'll.. Get some tea served. You can sit here in front of the fire. Couch or chair. Whatever is more comfortable for you." He gently states ins his deep voice, gesturing to the seating arrangement.

I sit down on a cozy armchair and stare into the fire, using the handkerchief to dry the last of my tears.

A few minutes later I hear a faint clinking noise and then Professor Snape answers.

He hands me a tea cup with his large calloused hand and I take it in mine. He takes a seat in the armchair opposite of me.

I look down into the liquid that gently swirls around in my cup. I take a few small sips and I notice that my body feels a bit different.. not bad just..

"Calming Draught." The man across from me says- likely assessing the shift in my posture.

I nod my head in understanding.

"Thank you. I just.. I didn't know it was your house even.. I-I just had to try and knock.. Get away." I whisper the last sentence to myself, holding the glass up to my lips again.

The man across from me sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose before taking a sip from his own cup.

"Are you alright..? Did they.." He clears his throat "..Hurt you..?" He asks, hesitating with his phrasing, obviously implying that he was wondering if they... Did something else.

"N-No.. they didn't.. More words.. I just.. They were close, though." I quietly say, looking up at the man.

His brown eyes soften and he nods his head in understanding.

"I don't know what would've happened had you not answer the door." I whisper, looking away as I start to cry again.

So much for the Calming Draught..

The man clenches his jaw, disgusted at the thought as well. He sets his cup down to the side and stands up, straightening out his shirt. He walks over and kneels down in front of me. He then hesitantly takes my hands in his and I look at him.

"Let's not think about that.. However, I am glad that I did... I apologize that this has happened.. and.. should this ever happen again, do know that this is a place that you can come to if you need help. Summer or not." He gently says, his eyes boring into mine with meaning.

"Thank you, Professor."

"It was no problem, Miss Y/L/N."

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