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Racing down the dark corridors, you pant and lean your head against the cold brick wall.

His footsteps are heard in the distance- loud and thundering.

Taking a deep breath, you peek your head around the corner. He had his back turned to you. Now was the chance.

Looking to the other wall and back at the angry potions professor, you make your choice.

You dash across the archway, hoping he doesn't see your figure from the corner of his eye.

Too late.

"Y/L/NNNN!!!!!" He bellows out, his cloak fluttering behind him.

"Fuck.. fuck!" You utter in a high pitched tone.

You end up running the rest of the way, making a random left-hand turn.

This would likely be the only moment that you'd ever appreciate this castle's unending twists and turns.

You make another turn, his footsteps racing after yours. You nearly cry in relief when you hear him take a wrong turn, his footsteps (thought not receding) changing route.

You had run so far from him, you were now standing at the doors of the Headmaster's office.

This man was your last hope and you were risking expulsion.

Swiping a loose strand of hair behind your ear, you throw open the door without knocking.

The loud creaking makes you cringe and it feels as though Professor Snape's footsteps suddenly become more clearer.

Looking around the room, Professor McGonagall and the Headmaster stand next to a shelf, casually talking to one another. When McGonagall heard the door open without explanation, she had her gaze directed to you.

"Y/l/n, what on Ear-"

"Not now, Professor. I'm sorry! I can't go to detention if I am dead!" You rush out, running up the short steps to Dumbledore's desk, ignoring the look of shock on the woman's face.

Dumbledore takes a sip from the glass he was drinking from.

"Under the desk, dear." The old man calls out, ignoring the dumbfounded look on his colleague's face.

"Thank you!" You whine in relief, dropping to your knees and crawling under the large old oak desk.

Not but five seconds later, the door to the office bangs open.

"Ah, Severus, my boy. How can I help you?" The old man nonchalantly asks, acting as if he totally didn't rudely fling the door open.

"Severus, your hair!" McGonagall gasps.

Snape ignores the woman's remark,

"Where is she, Albus?" The deep voice of the potions professor hisses.

"Where is who, my boy?" The old man lies smoothly, feigning innocence.

"You know exactly who." The other voice drawls, anger lacing his voice.

You imagine the Headmaster shrugging, nonchalantly sipping from his glass.

"I like your hair, Severus. Pink suits you, truly." Dumbledore says, a smile in his voice.

You could practically hear the twitching from Snape's right eye from all the way under the desk.

The potions master lets out an angry huff, muttering something under his breath.

"I will find her and she will face punishment!" He practically yells.

The door opens once again, before being slammed shut.

You exhale in relief, your head hanging downwards. A moment later, you begin to make your way out from your hiding place.

On all four, you crawl out from underneath the big oak desk. Standing up, your knee pops and you moan in relief. Because of the movement of your joint, or that you hadn't just been skinned alive- you weren't entirely sure. Probably both.

Walking down the steps, you make a lazy saluting gesture.

"Thank you, Professor." You say, walking to the door.

"Any time." He says, lifting his glass in a 'cheers' motion.

Professor McGonagall hadn't said anything, merely looking between the two of you like she had just hallucinated the entire strange encounter.

"G'night!" You wave, opening the door. The Headmaster waves back and you close the door behind you, walking away from the office.

Severus Snape OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now