S.S x student reader - Lockhart

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Warning: Assault and Lockhart being a creepy p3do

Gilderoy Lockhart.

Even the name itself makes me shudder. That filthy man is the most narcissistic human being I have ever had the displeasure of meeting..

Of course you'd expect his behavior to be a bit vain, narcissistic, and selfish... But along with the feeling of high self worth, comes other issues- such as believing that people "owe" them something or that they deserve special rights. Or even that delusional that people like them or even flirt with them when they clearly don't...

That's the problem with him. I'm a sixth year Gryffindor who keeps to myself. I feel like I communicate more with expressions more than words.. Maybe that's why he thought that I liked him or something?.. Maybe he thought I was flirting with him when I look at him- even though really I was spacing out, wishing for the day to be over? News flash: I don't like him. Infact, I quite hate him.

His stupid blonde hair and smarmy grins. I wanna punch his fac-

"Miss Y/n! How do you do?" Lockhart calls out.

I was too busy wrapped up in my thoughts to realize that I had already arrived at the DADA classroom.

I scream internally wishing for his presence to be gone.

"I am.. well.. How are you?.." I ask, putting on a fake smile

I tune him out as he starts to drone on and on about his day and Merlin knows what..

The class finally starts and he asks for a volunteer to pass out papers.


1. He likes to see all of the girls that swoon over him raise their hands.


2. He's likely too stupid to pass them out by magic. I'll be damned if he can even lift a quill with his wand.

As expected, at least four girls raise their hands as they batt their eyelashes.

"Miss Y/n! How about you?" He asks, looking over at me.

That fucking wanker asks me- OF ALL PEOPLE.

That guy is obsessed with me for some reason. It's starting to make me uncomfortable

I hesitantly stand up and I take my time walking over to him to grab the papers from him.

As he hands the papers to me, he very obviously makes sure that his fingers rub against mine.

"Meet me after class, Y/n" he whispers, smiling.

I want to vomit.

That man disgusts me.

I purse my lips together and nod, then pass the papers out.

Thank Merlin this class is over. But I still have to stay behind for some reason..

I don't think I'm in trouble?...

The students file out of the room but instead of joining them, I walk to the front as I hold my bag.

"Uhm, what was it that you needed to see me after class for?" I ask.

He smiles at me.

"Well, I was just wondering if you'd like to have a tea with me. You know, get to know each other?" He says, resting his hand on my upper arm.

My eyes immediately dart down to where he's touching me.

I gulp, gently trying to shake off his grip.

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