The Enigma

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Severus Snape was reminded of himself a lot when he looked at you.

Of course there were other students like he once was, but something about you always stood out to him.

Were you good at keeping your emotions hidden or do you genuinely not react to anything at all? Do you intentionally avoid people or do people avoid you?

Perfect grades, reserved, not talkative, and always has a book in hand..

Although you seemingly acted like the professor, the man genuinely hoped that you weren't like him- for various reasons..

You got your job done swiftly and correctly and went back to reading. Nobody knew anything about you no matter how subtly he asked other students... The man, if anything, was beyond irritated at the fact that he simply could not read you.

Now, "reading" people doesn't have anything to do with psychic or mediums. It is simply the art of studying another's character, routine, and behavior to determine their intentions or personality type.

Severus could make guesses but he always felt that they were wrong or slightly off.

You were like a whisper, a shadow of a person. You stuck to yourself as you come and go throughout the day.

Severus had to put an end to this. It was simply driving him mad.

So today, as everyone files out, you are the last to leave. You emerge from your corner seat as you clutch the same Edgar Allen Poe book to your chest.

The professor invited you over to his desk and you freeze for a moment before spinning around, looking at him.

You slowly nod your head and remain silent as you approach the man's desk.

"I-I... Something about you seems to emit a persona of an enigma.." the man sighs, leaning forwards until his elbows rest on the desk.

"I must admit that it greatly pains me to admit this.. But I simply cannot read you. You are so secluded... A-As a person of education, I enjoy studying mysteries and learning things.. Blocks in the road tend to... Aggravate me.." the man pauses, his deep brown eyes meeting yours.

"Would you like to talk over a cup of tea?" The man quietly asks, subtly wincing at his question.

"Of course, professor. I'd like that." You quietly say with a smile.


You met up with him for tea after the last class of the day since it was luckily a Friday.

You sat yourself down at the seat and he poured you a cup of tea. Moments passed by through thoughtful conversations and it was exceedingly obvious that the potions professor was taking a liking to your company. Although you didn't answer all of his questions (and Severus, as a more private person respected that), you did reply to some.

"I couldn't help but notice... Why haven't you touched your tea?" The man asks.

"Oh, I just genuinely don't care for it. Strange for a Brit, is it not?" You light heartily chuckle.

Severus nods his head as his lips curl upwards, sipping his tea.


It was the next day at dinner and Severus is sat between Minnie and Dumbledore. The faint sound of chatter is heard, voices rising and falling as conversations between students grow dull and exciting.

Severus fiddles with his fork and sighs, still thinking about you. The paint had just began to chip and he felt that he was making slow progress to figuring you out.

Severus sighs again and turns to the Headmaster that is sat on his left.

"Albus?" The man asks in his low voice.

The Headmaster turns his body to the potions professor and smiles, showing that he was listening.

"What do you know about Y/n Y/l/n?" Severus asks, tilting his fork.

The Headmaster quirks and eyebrow and clears his throat.

"Why do you ask, my boy?" The old man replies.

"I was just thinking about her..." Severus shrugs, looking down into his plate.

Dumbledore shifts in his seat and takes a sip from his goblet. His gaze drops as he wipes his mouth with the cloth napkin.

"Well let's see uh... For starters... a hufflepuff, fifth year..." Dumbledore trails off.

Severus impatiently huffs at the old man, having already known that information.

"Such a shame... Such a good student." The man mutters to himself.

Severus' back straightens and he slowly turns his head to the Headmaster.

"What?" Severus lowly asks.

Dumbledore sighs sadly.

"Yes, good student. Such a shame with the accident... She'd have died well over four decades ago now."

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