🐍 Happy Birthday, Severus!

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Today is January 9, 1976 and it is Severus Snape's sixteenth birthday.

To Severus, birthdays had no meaning. It wasn't different from any other day of the year- not to him and especially not to his parents.

Severus' father is currently on his death bed. The doctor that visited the house two weeks before stated that Tobias Snape is having major liver complications- likely (well, most certainly) due to his alcoholism.

Now, the young man didn't want to sound too thrilled, but he didn't exactly feel sad at the idea of his father having no more than five months to live. Hell, he practically considered that to be a birthday gift.

But now Severus internally screams each time his father shouts across the house for Severus to tend to the man's every need. His mother is helping too, though she is still not as much of assistance as Severus.

She isn't home as often, including right now. Severus isn't affected by the idea. It's not like he was expecting a three course meal when she returned. Hell, the woman probably didn't remember it was her son's birthday.

Severus' thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the landline ringing from the kitchen. His father had finally shut up a half hour ago and is currently napping.

Severus throws his book to the floor and bolts up from the couch, attempting to silence his footsteps.

He slides around the corner into the dingy kitchen as the light cuts in and out, a silent plea for a new bulb.

He picks up the heavy plastic phone and whips his head to the side, moving his black shoulder length hair out of his face. The boy holds the phone up to his ear as he fiddles with the phone cord, twisting it around his pale slender fingers.

"H-Hello?" He hesitantly asks, not used to being called.

"Hey, Severus!" Your voice chirps from the other side.

Severus pauses, unused to actually having a friend to talk to. Though you two had been friends since fifth year, it was only partially into winter break of sixth year. You had been friends for about eighteen months or so, having met at Hogwarts. Before leaving for break, you had demanded to get his phone number before he left. You especially had to have his number because he was your street neighbor- you could visit whenever but you knew that some people preferred to call beforehand rather than knock. He was hesitant, unsure of how his mother would react- but eventually gave in.

"Oh, Y/n." He finally replies.

"Well, gosh, don't sound too excited, Severus."

"Sorry, just wasn't expecting you to call.."

"It's fine, Sev. I just wanted to call you to see how you were... I also may have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?"

"Well, yeah.."

"Anyways, sorry I know that it's sort of last minute- but could ya come over?"

"Uh.. I mean.. I can't leave my dad.." He disappointedly sighs.

"C'mon! I just need you to be here for fifteen minutes at most." You slightly plead, wishing for your friend to visit.

Severus looks over his shoulder and peers into the hallway to his parent's open bedroom door, seeing his father still sleeping. The sound of his faint snoring echos through the halls.

Severus slightly groans in debate as he stares at the room, before averting his gaze back at the kitchen wall and the phone in his hand. He sighs again and starts to speak, but pauses. He sharply exhales as he finally replies,

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