The Confrontation

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Warnings: Mentions of abuse and sexual assault

I used a few prompts and so many of you asked for pretty much the same thing, so I didn't bother to tag anybody.


Is it wrong to
Be this young
this tired?


It's not pessimism. Personally, I prefer the term "realistic".

It's the notion and recognition of the fact that this world is a sphere of trash on fire and the people that populate it are the same way.

But after that philosophical realization, you don't pity yourself. Rather, you look in the mirror and admit to yourself that you are ugly... Followed by "eh, what the fuck am I gonna do about it? I don't need to look like a Barbie pimp- it's not like I am waiting for prince charming to walk through the door any second."

It also isn't inherently numbness nor lack of interest- as I still have the ability to feel (thank God).

It's the pure sarcasm and being able to lightly chuckle and shrug when somebody next to you is having a breakdown and repeatedly muttering "this isn't fair, life isn't fair."

"No shit, Janice. Glad you finally are able to see that."


You hardly watch horror movies anymore. They just don't give you the right thrill, suspense, anxiety, nor uncomfortableness that they used to bring you.

It's like a drug addict taking a shot of heroin, only for that high feeling to gradually decrease in effectiveness. It's literally similar to jerking off and being unable to climax- you tire yourself out in the process without the reaching the reward..

The overall point being.. you had become desensitized to the universe.

Some muggle kid a few days ago had been having a conversation with another muggle that you happened to overhear:

Hufflepuff #1: Gosh, did you hear about the news about last week? The last week of spring break?

Hufflepuff #2: Which news? There's so much of it nowadays..

H#1: The murder of Tracey Morgan- the girl that lives like three towns or so over.

H#2: Oh, shit, I did... That poor girl..

*Hufflepuff #1 proceeds to tear up*

H#1: It was her own father- I mean, Christ.. Her body was found so mutilated and used.. I-

H#2: Stop, please, I-I can't.. I can't think about it either..

H#1: But.. I mean, really though? Her own father- a figure who is supposed to protect their child... Raped her and disposed of her body.

*Hufflepuff #2's face grows green as she turns away from her friend*

Not to sound like a bitch, or anything... But news flash; some people shouldn't be parents.


"Miss Y/L/N."

"Miss Y/L/N."

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