Chapter 27: Gifts?

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Michael's Point of View

"Charlotte, Where is my charger?"

She screams from the bathroom "Is in the closet, Honey"

I keep looking through the closet...Where the hell is my charger?...Charlotte steps out of the room and I am left here looking for this damn charger...

My hand brushes over something...Is not my charger, but something else...I pull it out and is...I can't believe I kept this...The necklace Kennedy gave me before she died...*gulps*..It was a necklace with a picture of us inside...

I sit on the bed looking at it and thinking what happened on that day..When she gave me this necklace..When her ex killed her in front of my eyes...

Charlotte comes in the room quietly and then I hide the necklace behind my back...She can't see that I've still got this, or she'll make a scene...

"What's that, honey?" She says with her hands on her hips...Giving me 'The Stare'

"What's What, Baby..." I say innocently...

"That thing behind your back.."

I act like I don't got nothing behind my back...She gives me the furious face she gives me when she is about to get her way...

She gets on top of me and tries to take the necklace away from me but I turn around so she could be under me and I hold her arms tight so she can't reach the necklace...

"Michael, Move...You're hurting my wrists..and I can't breath.."

I get off her but get the necklace...I turn around to get the necklace but is gone...I then look at Charlotte that has the necklace in her hands and she is looking at it with her mouth wide open..Shit..

"Is not what it looks like..." I say..

She sighs "What the hell is this?.."

"Is a necklace, Kennedy gave me before sh-she died.."

She rubs her belly "I know it was hard for you when you saw Kennedy get killed but, keeping this?..I know you loved her and everything..But, you gotta move on Michael...Stop blaming yourself for her death..It wasn't your fault...And if you still love her, you can go ahead and tell me..."

I sigh "She was my very first true love that I had, I could never forget her...I still got that love towards her stuck in my heart because when she died..I kept the feelings inside...I'm sorry for telling you this, but yes, I do still love Kennedy...But I love you more.."

She gives me the necklace and steps out of the room...Shit, did I make her mad by saying them stuff?..I guess I did..

Charlotte's Point of View

He still loves Kennedy...Why am I not impress?..I knew he still loved her, I could see it in his eyes...I know she died and everything and he still loves her but, I get this feeling that..He is gonna keep loving her and never let go of her and not give me and the twins all the love he gotta give us...It still hurts that Michael still loves another woman that is not me...But he still loves me, so I guess that's good...I am kinda mad at him for keeping it in him all this time...

I go downstairs and hear footsteps behind me, I know Michael is behind me...He grabs my hand and spins me around so my hands are on his chest and his arms around me..He is looking at me right in the eye...Damn it, I am really not trying to look into his eyes because they make tears in my eyes...

I ungrip his grip on me and go to the couch...

"What is wrong with you?" He says

"What's wrong with me is that..You kept a gift your ex gave you..I know she died and everything but..I get the feelings that..You're gonna keep on loving her and never let her go and not give me and the twins all the love you gotta give us..And it hurts me, is like me and the twins don't exist anymore.." I say as my eyes fill with tears..

He looks hurt "Woah...Don't ever say that...Never Ever.." He says as he grabs my face "You and the twins are my main priority in this world...My heart is all yours and the twins...And Kennedy?..Well,.."


He wipes the tears from my eyes "Just to make you happy...I will let go of her, starting with...Putting this necklace somewhere where I can let go of her..."

I look happy again..Damn this bipolarness.."You're so damn sweet..."

I hug him and wrap my arms around him and he kisses my forehead.."Because I love you"

I giggle "You tell me that everytime.."

"Well, Is because it's true...You're the only girl I have ever loved this much...And that will never end...No matter how much we fuss, fight, laugh, cry, etc..I will still love you....Forever And Always.."

I bring my head up to his lips and kiss him softly biting some of his lip...



"How long before the twins get here?"

I giggle "3 months...Just 3 little months until you are an official daddy..."

"Why can't it be nooowww?" He whines like a innocent child

I laugh and hit his leg softly "Michael, be patient...3 months will come soon...You just wait.."

He sighs and then gets mad and goes upstairs...What the heck?

I follow him "What's going on?"


Picture?..I don't have a picture of me and Cameron in my purse...

"What are you talking about?" I say confused

He goes downstairs and goes through my purse...then he takes out a picture..He's right...It is a picture of me and Cameron together...How did that get in there?

"This Picture..why do you have it?"

"I didn't put it there..."

He looks mad "Then who in the hell did?"

Wait a second..Cameron! He is the one that got the pictures of me and him when we were dating..Did he put it there to make me look bad?

"Michael..It was Cameron..He is the only one that has the pictures of me and him together..He put it there when you left yesterday so I would look bad.."

He looks shocked "Oh..."

I take it and rip it into little pieces "There..Is broken now...Why don't you stop blaming shit on me?..Do that favor to me...I don't like that you yell at me for no damn reason that I didn't do...*scoffs* I have feelings, you know.."

He grabs my arms.."I'm sorry, Baby...I just thought you and him where a thing behind my back.."

I look mad "You thought wrong.."

"I love you Charlotte..."

"Just shut the hell up and kiss me, Damn"

He giggles and gives me a kiss...Perfect!

Just You And Me (A Michael Jackson Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon