Chapter 42: Ghosts

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Charlotte's Point of View

4 Months Later

Well, Tomorrow is my first day as a High School teacher, and my twins are 7 months old. Also, Victoria got over that little crush towards Michael, Which I'm really happy because he can stop worrying so much.

It turns out, Victoria was drinking alcohol and she was on drugs when she started liking Michael, no wonder she started doing crazy stuff. But now, she is getting help and she is much better and she got over that crush towards Michael.

Today is Sunday and Michael went to the store to buy some groceries to make lunch.

I'm still laying down in bed, I feel really sleepy.

Now that I remember, today was the day Ryan died...And it gives me such a heartbreak. I just wish he was here, to see the twins, to be like we used to be. I never even got to say goodbye. He just left me like that, because of Stephanie...She killed him. I really loved Ryan, like a brother. He always made me happy, he said sweet stuff to me whenever I felt down, we always talked...and now that changed, because he left me. Yesterday I cried my eyes out, because I really miss him, he was my best friend, my backbone, my brother...I still miss him now more than ever, because he is not with me anymore.

I don't even feel like going to his grave today, because I will feel even more sad and I can't afford to cry again, my eyes already feel like bricks from yesterday. But I am really used to crying, to be honest.

*sighs* I really need to get up, Who's gonna cook breakfast then?...I stand up and go over to the kids, as I rub my eyes.

"Good Morning, My babies" I say as I kiss their cheeks "Do you guys want breakfast?"

They nod their heads. The reach up so I can carry them downstairs. I get them and walk downstairs. Time really goes flying, my babies can sit by their own now and they are trying to crawl. They are just the cutest things, Daryl is starting to look exactly like Michael, the same hair, the black curls, the light caramel skin, the same big dark eyes, he is gonna grow up as a handsome boy, I can tell you that.

In the other hand, Sarah is starting to look like me, Well that's what Michael says. He says that she got the black brownish hair as I do, he says she got my blue greenish eyes that I've got, but she still gots Michael light caramel skin.

I sit the babies down on the floor so they can play with their toys as I go to the kitchen to cook breakfast...Ok, what should I make?...Hmm...Maybe Pancakes, Yeah Michael loves Pancakes and so do I.

I start making them, and the garage door opens, Is Michael.

"Honey, I'm home" Michael announces

"Hi Honey" I say

"Don't you see me here standing with all this bags in my hands? Help me with this, please"

I walk over to Michael "Hmm...It depends, Can I get a kiss?"

He chuckles and gives me a kiss...Hmm...

I get some bags from Michael's arms and bring them to the kitchen, and start putting them up. He does the same and when he finishes he goes to the living room where the twins are.

"How are my babies?" Michael tells them "Playing with your toys? Can I play?"

The twins giggle and nod...Michael starts to play with them, Aww that is so damn adorable.

I turn to the fridge, and my eyes get caught with a picture of me and Ryan...Oh god.

No, I can't cry...But, I really want to...

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