Chapter 46: Happiness

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Charlotte's Point of View

"Michael, Don't tell me you are thinking what I think you are thinking.." I say as a sit on the bed...

"Look, You may be pregnant...We just had sex last week, It isn't impossible for you to be pregnant, you know..."

I sigh out "I know...It's just...I can't be pregnant right now...The kids are four years old and let's be honest here, our marriage is not that stable..We have argued a lot in the past few days..."

Michael kneels down in front of me and grabs my hands in his "Let's say you are pregnant, what would you do?"

I raise my eyebrow "Love and take care of it, just like I have done with Sarah and Daryl..."

"Why don't you want to be pregnant?" Michael asks

"I do wanna be pregnant, but is just...I'm scared for the poor baby to feel our constantly arguing...I don't want to have another baby when me and you are not stable...Just about some hours ago you called me a failure, don't think that because I forgave you, that the pain is over...No, Michael...You know, calling the mother of your kids a failure isn't a pleasant thing to hear..."

Michael sighs and kisses my forehead "I know I called you that, and I am really sorry..I wasn't thinking straight...And we may argue at sometimes but is just part of life, you love me don't you?" Michael asks

Now I don't know what to say to him...I'm just all choked up on what happened earlier...I love Michael, I love him to death but I don't know if I can say it...

"Answer my question...Do you love me? Please answer me, Charlotte"

"Y-Yes Michael, I love you..I love you to death...I love you to Neverland and back...But, I just can't explain the hurt my heart is feeling right now..."

"You love me, I love you..What's the problem then?...I know we may argue a little, but is a child's life gonna make our lives better? Hell yeah it will..." Michael says as he touches my belly "Do you remember when we found out you were pregnant with Sarah and Daryl? How happy our lives were? Don't you wanna have a baby in your arms again?" Michael says with a concerned look..

The look in his eyes, makes me feel so damn guilty...How could I say he was a failure...Oh my gosh, I feel like an idiot for saying those stuff to him...But, is just...I want a baby, I do wanna get pregnant again but I don't think right now is the right time to bring a little bundle of joy to this dramatic family...

The only cure I have left, is to cry..To let it all out..Oh my gosh..Why am I crying? What is wrong with me...Ugh...I am a very emotional person.

Michael sits on the bed beside me and holds me tight while I cry on his chest...

"Michael, I just want to take a pregnancy test...I want to know if I'm pregnant or not..."

"Sure honey, I'll go to the store right away...Just stay here and rest...You have been through a lot today..."

"Thank you Baby...I love you so much" I say as I silently cry..

"I love you more...Alright, I'll be home soon"

Michael kisses me and leaves...Damn, I gotta call Lindsay and apologize for leaving so early from her party...

"Hello?" Lindsay answers...

"Hey Lindsay..."

"Charlotte!! Where the hell are you? I've been worried sick for you!! I didn't see you after you left to go get more drinks...Are you okay?"

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