Chapter 6: Tragedy

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Michael's Point of View

Last night was the bomb...It was really fun having a date with Charlotte and this time when I kissed her she didn't break it...Yass!! And we both told each other we have feelings for one another...I was thinking of asking her to be my girlfriend...Should I? What if she's not ready...Today we have to go back to school..I can't wait to see Charlotte today...She is really funny, she's cute, smart, responsible...Should I say more? I just got to school...I go into my classroom and see Lindsay..but not Charlotte..That's strange...I take off my book bag and sit down...

"Lindsay, do you know where Charlotte is?"

"No I don't...She said she was gonna come..Maybe something came up.."

"Yeah Maybe"

I really am worrying now...Where is she?...She usually comes in early like all the other students..*sights*

Charlotte's Point of View

Shit...I woke up late...I get ready as fast as I can...Today my parents are coming back home!! Yay!! I am so happy..I want them to meet Michael...Just now my phone starts ringing..huh? Who could it be...I look at the display and it says 'Unknown'..I answer the call after taking a long deep breath...

"Hello?" I say nervously..

"This is the local police from Santa Barbara, CA...Are you Charlotte Smith?"

"Yes...this is her"

"I am so sorry...but this morning we found the bodies of Paul Smith and Margaret Smith..So I would guess your parents..I am so sorry.."


"They had a bad car accident...They didn't live...For the support money...Just come by later to pick it up"...

I hang up...Why even bother to go to school? My parents just died..*starts crying* WHY THIS NOW? WHY ME? Now I am alone..Just like I always been...I start crying even harder...And just last night my date with Michael was perfect...And now this? WHY IN THE HELL WHEN A GOOD THING HAPPENES TO ME THEN SOMETHING'S GOTTA RUIN IT?? I just lost my parents...The people that loved and cared for me...I am alone...

*5 hours later*

Okay, for the last 5 hours I've cried...It feels good to just let it all out...I don't feel like eating, or talking or anything..Just knowing that I am alone breaks me even more...Is 3:30 p.m...Michael and Lindsay should be getting out of school by now...I hope they enjoyed their day...My day really was a tragedy...Then I hear my doorbell..Who could it be? I don't feel like getting up...But I have to get it..with tired, red teary eyes..I go and open the door...And find Michael...What is he doing here?

"Hey Charlotte...What's wrong? Why are your eyes all red and teary?" Michael says with a concerned look...

"*sniffs* Come in and I'll tell you.."

Michael comes in and sits down on the couch...

"Today...I woke up late..I received a call from the local police of Santa Barbara...saying that this morning they found the bodies of my parents..dead...I didn't feel like going to school *sniffs* Because..I didn't want anybody to see me like this..And now..Now I now that..I'm...I'm-"

I break down in tears...I cover my face with my hands and cry...Michael hugs me tight and I cry on his shoulder...Right now I don't give a freaking crap who sees me crying...because right now...I need to let it all out...

"Charlotte...I am so sorry for your lost...I really am...But I also came to ask you something"...


He gets down on one knee...He pulls out a box which contains a heart necklace..What is he doing?

"The day I say you...I fell in love with you..I couldn't keep my eyes away from you..Charlotte..I have feelings for you..I have never felt this for anyone else..Now before your very eyes..I'm asking..Will you be my girlfriend?"


(To Be Continued)

Author's Note: Ohh Will she say yes or not? Will Charlotte be alone forever? Will the death of her parents affect her permanently?..Will Michael get heartbroken by her decision?

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