Chapter 53: The Diary

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Michael's Point of View

Yesterday night was really weird, but I am glad it's over...Right now, I am looking through the shelves of our little Library that we got in the house...I want to learn more about this paranormal stuff, but I can't seem to find the book that I was reading...Hmm...A book fell off the shelf...I pick it up and it says 'Charlotte's Diary' and is open...

Oh god...I want to read it so bad, but I know is wrong...But who said taking a peek was wrong?..I look all around the room to see if Charlotte's near, but she is not..Good.

I close the Little Library Room and sit on the big comfortable chair..I read..

Dear Diary,

Things have been really weird lately, Especially yesterday and today..After I found out Stephanie was killing my baby, Michael was really brave...He saved my life...But I think of something...Everybody seems to be ignoring me or something, I feel hated by everybody...I haven't felt like this before..But now, I feel really hated...My family doesn't visit me anymore, and each time I call them out, I can feel they are there, but they are just ignoring me...Things have been really awkward between me and everybody, I just don't feel connected to anybody anymore...I feel like everybody hates me, but I don't really know why I have felt like this...I don't want to talk to Michael about this feeling because he has done so much for me, and I don't want to make him stress out more just because of how I am feeling...I just feel hated by everyone and I don't know why...

My mouth is wide open, I can't even speak anymore...Wait, this was wrote..Today!!..Charlotte wrote this today..Why didn't she talk to me about this?..I could've helped her...and it makes me kinda mad that she didn't talk to me about it, I care about her and I want to know how she is feeling...

I get up and go to the living room, where I see Charlotte seeing T.V..She better have a goodass explanation for this..

"Charlotte!!" I speak loudly "What the hell is this?" I say as I point to the page I was reading on her diary and show it to her...Her face goes completely blank...

"WHY DID YOU READ MY DIARY?!..THAT'S MY PERSONAL BUSINESS!!" Charlotte screams at me as she walks closer to me, She is obviously mad because I read her diary but I don't give a damn that she is...

"Answer my damn question first...Why did you write all of this stuff?..." I say madly...

Charlotte tries to get her diary back, but I put it on the top shelf where she can't reach it...She looks at me with madness and sadness written all over her eyes...

"Why didn't you tell me about this?...I care about you and I obviously care about your feelings...But what makes me really damn mad, is couldn't even go to me when you needed something..That breaks my heart..."

"M-Michael...I didn't tell you because you have done so much for me, and I didn't want a argument to start out of this like it does every other time...I--"

She starts crying...My poor girl, she feels bad and I have to be there for her, all the way...

I wrap my arms around her and rub her back softly, as she cries onto my chest...

"Michael..Why do I have to be feeling like this?" Charlotte cries out...

"Baby..." I say as I lift up her chin "Please talk to me...I want to help you feel better, because I love you and I don't like seeing you like this..."

I lift her up and carry her to the couch and set her on my lap..

"Ok...Ever since that bad accident that happened yesterday, I called out Ryan's name, and then I did the same for my mom...I could feel them there, I knew they were there...But it looked like they were ignoring me...I have felt disconnected with everybody..This morning, I needed to write this or something, I wanted to tell you but...I just couldn't...I felt really bad, I woke up feeling tired, sad, hated, I felt like an idiot, and I felt worthless..." She says as I wipe her tears "I didn't want to make you be more worried or more stressed just because of me...Lindsay and me are fine, and I am glad she has been there for me ever since we met, I love her and Brian to death, they are like family to me, but I never told nobody about how I felt...I really thought nobody would care about my feelings.."

"Woah, Woah, WOAH!!" I say "First of all, you are not an idiot, and you certainly are not worthless...I know I stress and worry about work and other stuff, but whenever it comes to you, you can come to me and talk...Because I love you, and I want you to feel better...I will always be here for you...I am glad you finally talked to me about this, I just wished it was sooner, but I just am glad you finally did..."

"Michael, I am sorry I didn't tell you about this sooner, I love you too...So much, baby..."

"Let me go to the kitchen and get us something to eat, Alright?"

"Alright, baby.."

I go into the kitchen, and make my famous Strawberry and Banana smoothie, I know how much Charlotte loves my smoothies...

I come back into the living room, and drop the smoothie glasses on the ground...I can't fucking believe this...

There is Charlotte tied up to a chair, and there is Kennedy's ghost in front of her...Pointing a knife to her neck...


"Oh, Michael!!" Kennedy says with a grin "Me and Charlotte where just having fun..."

"What do you want from us, Kennedy?"

"Oh, Michael.." She laughs out "I want you to divorce Charlotte and be with me...Like we used to be..."

"I would never, ever do that.." I say

"Well," Kennedy says as she walks to Charlotte's side.."Then that would mean your little girl here, would have to be killed..."

I look all around me for a solution, there has to be something I can do about this...Wait..The acid!!..The acid will definitely kill Kennedy...I look around again, and in the corner of my eye see it...I walk slowly to it, and open it...I throw it at Kennedy and she screams so damn loud just like Stephanie did..Now Kennedy's all ash..I am glad Kennedy and Stephanie are out of our lives now.

I go to Charlotte's side and untie her...Poor thing, she is crying and shaking all over.

She hugs me so tight, my whole body hurts now...

"M-Michael...Why did you do that?..She could've had hurt you.."

"I did that because, I couldn't divorce you for anything in this world...I would rather get hurt than divorce you..."

"Oh, Michael!!" Charlotte says as she gets on top of me on the floor and gives me a kiss "I love you, thank you for saving my life once again.."

I wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss her again.."Baby, I love you too and I will always be there to save your life whenever you need me...You mean so much to me, I could not ever lose you.."

Charlotte kisses me, and this kiss is passionate, really deep and slow...

I roll over, so she is underneath me, and I start kissing, biting, nibbling, her neck...I know how much she loves me to do that...

I feel her hand go down and I feel her touching and rubbing my crotch..Oh god.

"Charlotte, please..Don't do this to me...Not now" I moan out a little..

"Baby, I can't help it, You just drive me so crazy in love" Charlotte says as she kisses me...

Charlotte then starts kissing my neck..Damn, what is this girl doing to me?

I get down and start kissing her all over her body and face..I know she loves when I do that...

"Michael...Me and this baby love you, a lot" Charlotte says seductively

"I love you and this baby more.."

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