Chapter 61: Emotional Depression

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Charlotte's Point of View

Well, after what happened yesterday and the day before yesterday, Something's been on my mind lately, I still think about what Michael did to me, when I saw him making out with a slut, and I still have flashbacks...Ugh, I haven't been feeling the same as before.

I've been crying a lot lately, I don't know if it's my mood swings, or just because of what Michael did but, it's all got me messed up.

"Your crying, again?" Lindsay says as she answers the call.."What's going on?"

"Just shut up, I can't help it...I have been crying a lot lately, and I don't know if it's my mood swings, or if it's just what Michael did to me two days ago..."

"Ugh, girl, I hate seeing you like this...Have you talked to Michael about all of this?" Lindsay asks..

"That's the damn problem, First, he had to go back to work, and now I feel like work is the only thing he is worrying about, He is just too busy, and I don't think I can tell him, I still feel HeartBroken of what happened two days ago...I even have flashbacks...Ugh, This got me messed up..But, I'll try to talk to him..Because, I really need him right now.."

"Yeah, that's good, you should talk to him...And, me and Brian are good. After a couple of appointments at the Therapist, everything went smoothly, and now he is such a sweetheart, he gives me the cutest little notes, the cutest things, I'm so happy that we are good now, and don't worry about Brian, he doesn't have a crush on you anymore, the thing was that, he was drinking a lot behind my back and that's why he was a little cuckoo in the head, but is all good..."

"I wish Michael would give me cute stuff like those, but, he doesn't do it no more...I miss my old Michael, and I'm glad you and Brian are okay...(Michael comes through the door)...Michael just came back from work, I'll call you back.."

"Alright, Good Luck.."

"Thanks, I'll need it.." I say as I hang up...

I look at the kitchen were Michael is getting himself an apple...

"Michael?" I ask..

"Yes?" He says biting into an apple

"Can we talk?" I say hoping he would at least try to talk to me...

"I wish I could, I have to grade this papers...I'm sorry, honey..." Michael says as he goes to the studio so he can work...

I sigh, I wish he wasn't so busy, and I really need him right now...

"Mommy?" The twins say running to the couch "Can we go play Basketball with Daddy?"

"Uhh, Daddy is a little busy..."

"He is always busy!!...Can you play with us then?"

"Uhh, What about I help you guys roast S'mores?" I say

"Yaaayyy, S'mores!!" They scream as they go running outside...

I look over to Michael's office and he looks, like if work was everything in his life.

*45 Minutes Later*

The kids and I just came back inside from roasting S'mores, and we had a fun time, but Michael stayed inside working the whole time, the kids miss him, and most of all..I miss him even more.

I'm tired of Michael Working Day and Night, and I'm worrying about when this baby is born that he is barely gonna have time for all of us.

I go to the kids bedroom where they are already in bed...I tuck them in and kiss their foreheads..

"Mommy?..Why didn't daddy tuck us in?" Sarah asks..

"Honey, He is working so much, and he is busy all the time..But, everything will be okay..Just try to sleep, okay?"

"Okay, Mommy...I love you" The twins say

"I love you guys more...Goodnight" I say as I leave their room

I go to my bedroom, and just laid down, thinking..

Michael comes in a moment afterwards, He better get ready, because I really need to talk to him.

"Michael, We gotta talk..."

"Yeah?..I'm listening..."

"Look, I'm tired of you working all the damn time, I know you have your responsibility as a Teacher, but, me and the kids need you now more than ever, Sarah and Daryl asks why are you always busy, and I don't even know what to say anymore...You barely have time for the kids, and you barely have time for me....Do I even matter to you anymore? Or did you already forget what happened two days ago?...This baby in me needs you, and you don't even have time for your other kids, how would you have time for this one?..."

"Is this why you have been crying about lately?" Michael says obviously pissed "I can't help I'm working. Your pregnant and can't work, and I'm the one that's supporting this family, do you think I work this much because I want to?..*scoffs*...And what happened two days ago was an accident...You didn't have to see that.."

"An accident?" I say with sympathy "Yeah right, you know you liked that as much as she did...Michael, I cry every damn night just because of that...Do you know how my heart is feeling right now?..Do you even care about my feelings?...I have flashbacks of you making out with that slut, for god's sake..."

"She's not a slut!!" Michael screams...

"You're defending her?...Wow, Michael...I just want to tell your ass something, Your kids need you now more than ever because they are growing up, and a Childhood to them is very important...I didn't have a happy Childhood and that's why I want to give my children the best Childhood they can have...And you're defending a slut that you barely know...Ugh, I'm just done with you right now, Michael...I thought you loved us, I was wrong.."

"I do love you and the kids!!" Michael screams again "I just don't have time for you guys because I'm working every damn day just to support this family...You don't understand, you are not working right now.."

"The hell I am!!" I scream back "I may not be working as a Teacher right now, but I am working here, I clean, I make lunch for you when you come back, I make dinner, I take care of my children, and most of all..I handle you, and your bullshit and that's a really hard job..."

"If you really are tired of me, why don't you divorce me and it'll be better for everyone.."

"I can't do that to my children, I don't want them growing up without a father or a mother...I love you, Michael, I do...But sometimes you are just, something else...I want my old Michael back, the one that wrote cute little notes before you went to work, the one that gave me kisses and hugs whenever you wanted...The sweet cute Michael that I fell in love with, not this new Michael that all he cares about is work..."

"I love you too, sweetheart, I do with all my heart...But, sometimes you just get on my goddamn nerves..."

"Oh, I guess I learn something new every day then.." I say as I get up and get my car keys...

"Where the hell you going?" Michael asks...

"None of your goddamn business..." I say as I slam the bedroom door..

I just really need to go somewhere, I need somebody to talk to...Maybe I'm going to stay the night at Lindsay's house, Because Brian is on a Business Trip..And I really don't want to go back to where Michael is right now.

"Lindsay, Do you think I could stay at your house tonight?" I say as Lindsay answers the phone call

"Uhh, Sure...Why aren't you staying at your house?"

"I'll tell you everything when I get there.."

(To Be Continued)

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