Chapter 13: Dancing With The Devil

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Charlotte's Point of View

*groans*...I have to go back to school...I don't want too...But the good thing about today is that we are having a School Dance...But the bad thing is that..they already assigned me a partner.....And is Cameron...I haven't told Michael that...Shit..*face palm*...He is gonna make a scene and I know it...Michael went back to his house yesterday...So I'm kinda alone right now..but is okay, Michael had stuff to do at his house so I understand...

I get my tired body up from the bed...rub my eyes..I look at the 7:00 a.m...Today school don't start till 8:00 a.m...I really am not feeling my best today...I feel super tired like if I haven't slept in years...Maybe is because I'm pregnant...Yeah maybe that's it....

*30 Minutes Pass*

I finish eating breakfast...Is 7:30 a.m...I am gonna start walking to school so I can catch up to Lindsay...

I start walking...After I walk pass the Flower Shop, I see Lindsay walking also...I go running towards her and tap her on the shoulder...

"Hey Lindsay," I say giving her a big smile "What's Up?"

"Nothing...Hey, who is your partner for the School Dance today?"

"The devil...Guess who?...Cameron...I have to go to that dance with that boy...Ugh.." I say as I feel a disgust when I say his name..."What about you?"

"Brian..I gotta go with Brian...Well my boyfriend.."

"What the hell, You and him?...Together...Congrats but eww you can do better than that..."

"Shut up.."

"I'm just being honest..*chuckles*"

Lindsay and me after a long conversation...Get to school...*sights*..Well here I go...

Me and Lindsay go to our lockers to put our stuff in there because today we are not having class, we just practicing for our dance...

Me and Lindsay go in the class...I try not to seem so noticeable for Michael or Cameron..but Michael turns his head and look at me..Damn it...

I go to my desk without saying another word..but then when Michael is about to say something...Cameron comes..*groans*..

"Oh Hey Charlotte...Hello Michael...Michael, I will take good care of your girl tonight...don't worry.." Cameron says as he gives me a smirk and Michael looks at me in confusion...

"Huh?...Charlotte what does he mean by that..." Michael says as he gives me the stare..

"*sights*..Michael, today for the dance...I gotta go with Cameron..." I say as I put my head down on the desk, wrapping my arms around my head...

I feel that Cameron leaves...Then there's this awkward silence...Gosh Damn It..Michael is about to make a scene..I look up and see his face...Sad, angry, pissed..Yep, he's about to make a scene...

"Ok...Let me get this straight...You are gonna go to the dance...with him?..As your partner?...Please tell me you are kidding..Is he going with you as your date?!" Michael says as his voice sounds serious..more than serious...

"Well I won't look at it as a date..but he will...Michael, just calm the fuck down...I won't do anything with him...I'm just gonna dance with is that a crime or something?," I say as I get a attitude.."Trust me..I would not do anything with him...Just dance.."

He takes my hands in his..."Ok..I trust you.."

Michael's Point of View

It would be hard to see Charlotte with Cameron in this dance...but I gotta trust her, she is not gonna do anything with him...But I am scared of telling her that I gotta go with Stephanie...She would make a scene..I know her..She wouldn't be to happy about it either...

*After School*

I just went home...I have to get ready...Because I have to pick up Stephanie so we could go to this freaking dance...I am not too happy about this dance...I don't wanna dance with the girl that broke my heart..but I have to..And it causes me so much pain...

I drive to Stephanie's house...She is waiting for me at her steps...She stands up and starts walking towards my car...Damn..she looks good....Wait, No Michael...You got your own girl...Stephanie to you is the devil...I'm gonna dance with a devil...Great...

I don't say a word but just drive...After 10 minutes of driving...We get there...The school is filled with balloons and stuff...I see a lot of people going in the school...I get out and help Stephanie get out too...

"Thank you, Handsome" She says with a smirk on her face...

"Ugh..Let's just get this over with.."

We enter the building and go to the gym which is decorated as a dance...Then I spot Charlotte and Cameron..Ugh..How much it pains me to see them too together like this...She sees me and then there's madness written all over her face...She is pissed...Maybe because I didn't tell her that I was going to the dance with Stephanie...Or maybe because she thinks I'm gonna have fun with her..Or both...

The DJ puts on a romantic, slow song for everyone to dance along...I see Cameron beginning to dance with Charlotte...Ugh...How much I would like to go over there and punch him or something...Now I gotta dance with Stephanie..Ugh...I take her hand and start dancing..Please let that song go fast...

Charlotte's Point of View

I just danced with the devil...Which brought so many damn memories that I wanna erase out of my mind...Is bad enough that I can't drink alcohol because I'm pregnant...but this?...Is too much...I tell Cameron I'm gonna get a snack..

I go to the snack bar..And then I feel Michael beside me also getting a snack..*sights*

"Hey.." Michael says..

"Why the hell you didn't fucking tell me you were going to this dance with her?!..I'm your girl..I'm suppose to know...I told you I was going with Cameron...Why didn't you tell me?!" I say as I look down at my plate...

"Because you were gonna act just like you are acting now.."

Ugh..I leave him there...I go back to the chair I was sitting on...This is the worse dance of my life...I see Michael drinking a martini like a beast...Dang, I guess he is happy...Him and Stephanie are talking and acting flirty...Wait..Hold the fucking phone...Did Stephanie just fucking kiss him? Oh hell no...Not on my watch..

I go over there where they are and slap Stephanie across her fucking face...making her fall...When I'm about to hit the next punch...her nose starts bleeding...I don't give a fucking crap...Michael lifts me up and takes me to the car...Swear this is the worst day ever...

He sets me down on the passenger's seat...He looks at me while I look out the window...I hate this..She kissed him..And I could see he liked it..Well he did have a drink but that doesn't explain nothing..Alcohol or not..he still kissed her back..

"What the hell was that?!" Michael says as he starts the ignition..

"She kissed you...You kissed her back...Michael, I was right there...Do you think I'm gonna be like 'Oh Michael...You kissed her back..Oh that's fine by me..' No Michael...I have your child for god's sake...I have feelings you know..."

"I was kinda drunk...I didn't mean to kiss her...Please let us just go home and talk this through...You don't seem to well.."

"Ohh...I don't seem well because...I have a broken heart, Michael...I don't care if you stay at my house..but just leave me alone...I don't want the monster inside me to come out...I am pissed...And I still love you but..I gotta calm down first..."

Worse Day Ever..I swear...

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