Chapter 55: 5th Year

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Charlotte's Point of View

Today is my Anniversary with Michael...I can't believe me and him have been married for 5 years...Time really goes flying, but the question that is on my mind is..What are we gonna do today for our Anniversary?

"Happy Anniversary, Baby.." Michael greets me with a kiss...

I rub my tired eyes "Thanks baby..Happy Anniversary to you too..."

"Are you okay?...You seemed really tired..." Michael asks

"Yeah, This baby has had me Working Day and Night...I worry..What if something goes wrong in my pregnancy?" I ask..

"Baby.." Michael says as he touches my tummy "Nothing is gonna go wrong, I promise..."

I sigh "Where are the twins?..I wanted to spend time with them today..."

"Aww, Baby...I dropped them off at my parent's house..Today is Just You And Me"

"What are you planning for today?" I ask curiously

"Is a surprise..." Michael smirks..

"Why can't I know now?!" I say desperately..

"Patience, Baby.."

I swear I hate when he does this, is always a surprise..And I really want to know what it is.

"Now, Go get ready..." Michael says...

I sigh and go back upstairs...I don't know what to wear...Today is something special and I don't got nothing that special...Wait, I remembered I bought an outfit some days ago...

I go into my closet and look for my outfit...Now that I think about it, Taylor hasn't called...She said she was gonna go to The Beach with Raymond and a friend of her's..but she hasn't really called, Me and her are cool, I have learned to let go of what happened some time ago with Michael and her but I don't know if she is still attracted to him or not.

I finish getting ready and look at myself in the mirror...I decided to wear a light pink sparkly strapless dress with matching heels. I already took my hair down and put on some makeup...I think I'm ready to go. I hope Michael likes my outfit.

I go downstairs and see Michael in the middle of the living room, and he is wearing a black tuxedo with black loafers and his curls are down..Damn, he looks so sexy.

"How do I look?" I ask looking down in shyness..

Michael lifts up my chin and looks deeply into my eyes "You look beautiful, just like always.."

I blush and smile..Ugh, I can't take a compliment, Damn it.

"Is my Pretty Young Thing ready to go?" Michael asks..

"Yes, I am ready to go.."

Michael takes my hand and we go out the front door, and I can't believe my eyes...

"M-Michael..A limousine?..I-"

"That's not the surprise!!...That Limo will take us to our surprise.." Michael says as he opens the Limousine door for me and let's me in...

We get in and of course, Michael has to blindfold me...

"What if I fall or I crash into something?" I say

"You won't..because I will be there to catch you and lead you to our surprise..."

I sigh and let Michael blindfold me...Today, I decided to wear the heart shaped necklace Michael gave me when he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I am proud of wearing it.

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