Chapter 80: Forget And Forgive

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Charlotte's Point of View

I'm still wondering about what happened when we were at the Therapist, I mean, she did say I was the problem in this marriage, and I think she's right, all I do is think of myself, God, I'm the worst, I haven't even thought of my two children at all, all I have thought about is my relationship with Michael, and that's important too, but now that I think about it, I haven't spend time with them, I'm such a bad mother to them.

I stand up from the couch, and put on my sweater, is winter time, and yes, it's snowing outside...The kids have begged me to go outside to play, but Michael's being really overprotective today...I don't know what's wrong with him..

"But, daddddyyyy!!" Sarah wines "We want to play outsiideeee"

"Princess, listen to me, I don't want you to go out there and slip on ice, then what will I do?...It can be very dangerous out there, especially with the slippery ice..." Michael assures her, and she groans...

"Michael, let them go outside.." I say, "They'll be okay, I'm going to seat outside to watch them anyways, is fine..."

Michael throws his head back and sighs "Fine..." He groans under his breath..

I don't know if Michael and me are stable, I mean were okay, but I wouldn't call it stable, what happened with Cameron and me, really messed up everything, and no, I'm not blaming Cameron for it, I blame myself for everything, but, it was my decision, so I have to accept the consequences...

I put on my winter clothes on -mittens, a coat, boots, all that mess- and go outside to where the kids are already playing in the snow, I gotta admit, I love seeing them so happy.

"Mommy.." The children call, as they wave their hands in the air "Come play with us, pleassee?"

I giggle lightly, and pat my hands on my lap..."Okay, darlings.."

I've got to admit, I've never actually had a Snow Day before, I don't even know how to build a Snowman, I know it's sounds crazy but when I was little, my parents wouldn't let me do those type of things, I always had to stay inside and study...Work, Work, Work, I had to admit, by the age of five, I worked more than any adult..But, there's always a first time for anything...

I walk down the stairs, and somebody from behind me grabs my arm...I turn around and see Michael wearing his winter clothes...What the heck?

"Be careful, darling, I don't want you or the baby getting hurt..." Michael says softly "I'll watch you guys from here.."

"Mike, Come on..." I say pulling his arm "Come play with us..."

He chuckles lightly, and he kisses my forehead "Are you sure?..I don't want to ruin your time with the kids.."

I stop and pout "Come on, pleasseeee?" I beg, giving him my "puppy eyes"

"Ugh, fine.." Michael says chuckling...

"You go ahead, I'll be right back..." I say as I go back inside...

I came back inside just to get something, I've been wanting to give Michael something, is just a little something...Is a personalized wine opener, it says "Meeting you was the best thing that happened to me, I love you"...I know how much he loves to open up a wine once in awhile, and I wanted to give it to him, just something to say "thank you" for being in my life...

I go into the closet, and pull out my gift, but a paper falls with it...I pick it up and look at it closely, I can't even explain this...Why is this here?

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