Chapter 3: This Can't Be Happening..

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Michael's Point of View

Charlotte is calling me..Why does that make me so happy? Anyways I take my phone and answer the call..


"Hey Michael..Is Charlotte..I was wondering that if you would like to come over to my house so we could start the project.." Charlotte says as I get excited

"Sure...I'll be right there" I say as I end the call..

Okay, I get my book bag and I'm out of my house..I walk like 5 minutes and I'm at her house...The outside of it looks nice...Like if she was rich or something...I knock on the door shyly...Then she opens the door..She has some shorts and a shirt on..Damn she looks good...

"Hey Michael...Please come in.." She says as she lets me in

I come in and get greeted by the living room..This house is huge and I love the furniture...Very nice..

"I love your house...Is very nice" I say as I look around..

"Thanks..My parents are not home..They are in Los Angeles because my grandma got sick...While I'm here in Santa Barbara...So the project..Should we do a person or an event?"

"I think we should do a person...What about Martin Luther King Jr.?" I say as I sit down..

"Yeah okay..So I would do his life and you can do like how he changed the world" She says as she looks at her computer...


After like 3 hours we are almost done...We make a good team...I've learned a lot about her...She's interesting...

"So now that we are done...You wanna go to the park that's close by?" She says as she closes her computer..


We head out the door..And start walking to the park...This neighborhood is very pretty...The houses are huge and very organized...Once we walked like some minutes...We get to the park..Woah! This park is very nice..Is big...There's benches, there's slides, and games for kids. Any kid here would go crazy. We sit there in a bench...Saying nothing...I'm just enjoying the view...

"Dang is cold out here" She says as she shivers..

I take off my sweater and put it on her..Good Job Michael!

"Thanks Michael"

Charlotte's Point of View

Michael and I are sitting in a bench..He just put his sweater on me..How sweet is that? Then my phone starts ringing...Who could it be? Wait..Nevermind I think I know who it is..I look at the display and is Cameron..I knew it...I put my phone on silent..I don't need to answer him..To me he is dead..A couple of minutes pass and then I hear footsteps behind me..I turn around and I am shocked..I have a blank expression right now...Cameron...Shit I forgot we live in the same neighborhood..

"Hey Charlotte...Who's this?" Cameron says as he walks up to me..

"Is my friend Michael..Anyway why are you here?"

"I came to say that I love you...Please baby..Come back to me...I don't wanna lose you..I am sorry I cheated on you with Lilly..She doesn't mean nothing to me..I only love you.."

"No Cameron...You are dead to me...Now I would like you to leave me alone or you won't like what I would do to you.."

"No...I came here to tell you that I want you back..And I am leaving with you...You like it or not" He says aggressively..

"Yo Man...*shoves Cameron* She told you to leave her alone..When somebody says something just do it.." Michael says as he steps in...

Cameron's face is priceless...He looks so scared...Cameron just left...It was so sweet of Michael to defend me like that..

"Michael..Thank you for defending me..That was my ex boyfriend..He is crazy..But he is dead to me..I don't need him anymore" I say as I stand up..

"I thought you already had a boyfriend" Michael says curiously..

"Nah..I'm single..*sights*.."

Me and Michael leave the park...We both say goodbye to eachother...Then I feel kinda tired...I put on some pajamas and close my eyes...smiling because I spent a whole afternoon with Michael..*dreamy sight*

Next Day...

I get woken up by the sounds of birds chirping...I get ready for school as fast as I can...Maybe I like school now because of Michael..Yeah that's probably it...But I have a question...If Michael and I are just friends then why did he defend me like that in front of Cameron?...I have had that question since last night..I finish getting ready and go to school...On the way there I see Lindsay...Yass! I gotta talk to her about yesterday *squeals*

"Lindsay...Lindsay!! Guess what girl guess what!!"

"Girl calm down..What?"

"Yesterday Michael and me had to spend a whole afternoon doing a project that Mrs. White told us to do..And then we went to the park and Cameron appeared and then Michael defended me...He defended front of Cameron..You should've seen Cameron's face..Priceless"

"Charlotte, that's great!! Do you think Michael has feelings for you?"

"I don't know..Maybe...I just know it was so manly that he defended me"

"Aww 'somebody's in love'"..

"Shut up Lindsay.."

We walk another 5 minutes and get to school...I enter the classroom and see Michael sitting there..Then he turns to me and I smile big...

Michael's Point of View

Charlotte just came in the class..she smiled at me..I smile back..Then she sits down...Mr. Brown the principal arrives with a student..She looks familiar...

"Hello everybody, this class will have a new student..Her name is Stephanie..I would like you all to make her feel welcome" Mr. Brown says as he leaves the class...

Oh...No...This can't be happening...Stephanie's here! *gulps*

Just You And Me (A Michael Jackson Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora