Chapter 88: Only You Can Make Me Happy

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Charlotte's Point of View

Last night, I had the best time with Julian. He was so nice, and he also bought me dinner, even though I wanted to pay, he didn't let me. But, I really miss Michael now, especially at night, I miss his cuddles, his sleepy voice, his sleepy kisses, I just miss him completely, I also miss my two baby girl's, Sarah and Jessica, and Daryl misses them too. I guess, We all miss each other.

Right now, I'm just getting ready to go to the pool with Lindsay, and I think Michael's going too, with Sarah and Jessica, I guess we'll all be going.

"Lindsay, hurry up!" I say, starting to lose my patience, it's been an hour and she's still not done, What's taking her so damn long?

"Okay, Okay, I'm coming.." She says, coming out of the bathroom with her swimsuit on, which shows her belly bump, but I honestly think she doesn't want that baby anymore, because it's daddy cheated, and that hurt Lindsay very much, but she still looks good with swimsuit on.

"Damn, you look good," I say, spinning her around "Your belly bump barely shows with that swimsuit on.."

She sighs and grabs her stuff "I don't look good, I look like a freaking cow, and yes, I don't want this baby anymore, Adam cheated so that means he basically doesn't care, so why should I? I love this baby, yes, I do. But, I don't want it anymore, it reminds me of something that me and Adam could've had, but now? That's all gone.." She says, looking down, tears in her eyes...

"Hey, Hey, It's okay.." I say, rubbing her back up and down, comforting her "Don't let that ruin your day, we all knew he was a asshole from the start, but you fell in love, and you can't deny love, it doesn't matter what has happened in the past. Now, come on...Let's hit the pool!"

"You're right, I shouldn't let this ruin my day at the Pool..." She says, opening the door "Now, Come on, let's go!

I grab my things, and Lindsay takes a hold on Drake's hand, and I take Daryl's hand as we walk down the hallway and into the Pool Area, where I find Michael, Brian, Krissy, Marcus, Brian Jr, Sarah and Jessica waiting for us.

As soon as I see Michael smiling at me, I get filled with joy and happiness, he's the only one that can make me feel this way, and I'm glad he does.

"Hey, Princess" Michael says, as he hugs me tighter than ever "You look beautiful in that two piece, blue swimsuit I bought you"

"Hey, Michael..." I say, getting on my tippy toes and kissing him "And, thank you. You also look good in your's..."

I look at Jessica -which she's in Michael's arms - and kiss her soft cheek, making her giggle. I sure missed her giggle, it's really adorable.

I look at Sarah, - which she's right behind Michael - and kneel down, so I'm right in front of her face, and kiss her cheek a few times, making her smile, that radiant smile of her's, just like Michael's.

"How's my baby girl?" I say, snuggling my nose against her's "You're ready to get into that pool?" I say, pointing to the pool for kids...

"I don't want to go in there," She says, crossing her arms and frowning "I want to go into the adult one, just like everyone else..."

I sigh, and look up at Michael, - which he's looking right at Sarah - "Well, let me tell you what, you can go into the adult pool, if you use your swimming noodle, and Daryl is going to have to use one as well.." I say, standing back up, and Michael gives me a "Why did you say that?" stare

"Michael, they'll be fine, trust me, let them have their fun..." I say, hoping he won't get too overprotective over my decision..

He sigh and rubs his forehead in frustration "Okay, Okay, I trust you..."

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