Chapter 73: Love At First Sight

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Michael's Point of View

Ok...Something's going on, because it has been 15 minutes since Charlotte excused herself and left to go to the bathroom...Does it take that damn long to go to the bathroom?..

"Excuse me, Sir?" I hear a voice say...

I look up and see the Waitress, Oh, Shit...I must be daydreaming, I didn't hear her...Oops...

"Um..Yes?" I ask the Waitress...

"You remind me of someone," She says as she picks up my empty plate "Do I know you from somewhere?"

"Uhh..." I say as I clear my throat "I don't think you do..."

"Wait...Mr. Jackson?" The Waitress says as she covers her mouth "Don't you remember me?...I'm Jessica...You're student..." She says blushing...

"Oh, Jessica..." I say as I face-palm my face "Of course, I remember you...Sorry for not recognizing you...Is just because, you look so different right now..."

She blushes and seats in front of me - where Charlotte was sitting -...

"I didn't recognize you too, Mr. Jackson...Why are you in this restaurant alone?" She asks..

"Oh," I say as I laugh "I didn't come here alone, I came here with my wife..."

"Oh.." She say as she stands up "Well, I gotta go back to work, Mr. Jackson...Goodnight.." She says as she leaves, without letting me say 'goodnight' back..

Okay, that was weird...Now, I gotta go find Charlotte...

I get up and leave a tip and walk to where I think the bathroom's are...Once I get there, I don't see nobody...Damn it...

After looking for her, I give up and go back to the car...

I spot someone inside the car, so I open the passenger's door, and find...Charlotte...

"Baby, What's wrong?...Why are you crying?.." I say as I kneel down beside her...

"L-Lindsay is dating Adam..." She speaks through her sobs "I know I should be happy for her, but, I just can't get over the fact that he raped her, and he raped me once too...But, she doesn't know...And, I don't want nothing bad to happen to her, especially now that she has Brian's baby, and Adam's baby..."

"Charlotte," I say as I lift up her chin and make her look at me "I know you're worried about her and her babies, but, you've got to understand that she is all grown up now, she's not a little kid anymore, if she decided she wants to date Adam, that's because she really wants to...And, if something goes wrong, I know she will decide to report it to someone..."

"I know, Mike, I know..." She say as she keeps on crying silently "I swear, I'm such a bipolar, emotional, ugly person...I'm so stupid to think that somebody would ever love me..."

"Woah, Woah, Woah.." I say as I give her a little glare "Don't call yourself any of those words, don't ever say that again...You know that's a damn lie, Yes, you're emotional, but, that's just because you're pregnant...And, I love you, with all my heart and soul, you shouldn't be saying that..." I say as I kiss the side of her head...

She throws her head back in frustration...*sighs*..My poor baby, I hate seeing her suffering like this...

I sigh and close the passenger's door, and open mine so we can go back home, I think we've had enough fun for today...

I start the ignition, and I grab Charlotte's tight...I have always done this when I'm driving, ever since we were dating...It makes me feel like she's safe, and I could tell by her expression that she likes me doing it, but, that's different tonight...she's not reacting to it right now, she's just looking down and crying silently...

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