Chapter 4: Crazy Ex's

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Michael's Point of View

I swear, this can't be happening....This is a bad dream or something...Stephanie came? Lord Nooo!! Why did she have to come? She used to be my girlfriend until I broke up with her after 1 month because all she wanted from me was sex and money...Thank god there's no empty seats in our group..She would have to seat somewhere else...She is looking at me now..*gulps*...I look at Charlotte which is looking at Stephanie...

"Michael, do you know that girl there?" Charlotte says as she looks at me..

"*sights* No..I mean I can't lie to you...Yes I know her..She used to be my ex girlfriend.." I say as I look down...

Charlotte gets up mad...What did you do Michael?

"Mrs. White...May I be excused?" She says as she leaves the class slamming the door...

Yeah..She left because I told her that...Good going Michael! I gotta talk to her...But I can't leave class...*sights* I really messed up...But if I told her that and she left mad...Does that mean she's jealous? I did defend her yesterday when Cameron was trying to take her back...I think she is jealous...Why does this make me so happy? I may have feelings for her...Maybe...The day goes by fast...Stephanie hasn't make contact with me..Good...Because I don't wanna see or talk to her after what she has done..The class ends and I head to my house before I go to talk to Charlotte...I go up the stairs of my house and there is Stephanie standing there...What does she want now?

"Hey Handsome..How are you? I know your little secret..*giggles*" She says as she comes closer to me..

"Which secret?" I say as I step back from Stephanie..

"Oh Honey, don't play dumb with me...I know you like that girl you seat in front of..Charlotte. *laughs evilly*

"Yeah..So? What if I do...Stephanie..I am over you!! DO YOU HEAR ME? I AM OVER YOU!!...And if you come close to Charlotte I would find a way to hurt you.." I say as I come in defending Charlotte..

"Oh baby, you better stop defending her and liking her so much..before I hurt her just like you hurt me" She says as she laughs evilly

"You only wanted my money..And I swear on my life..If you hurt her you will not see the Michael you wanna see..

"I'll see you later Michael.."

She gets on my nerves....God!! Charlotte...Damn it..She is gonna want to hurt Charlotte...I decide to call Charlotte...

"Charlotte, Is Michael"

"Oh hey..Michael..I am scared..There's somebody around my house.."

"Damn..I'll be right over"

I hang up and run over to Charlotte's house...I open her door..I scream her name..No answer...Dang, I just heard a scream....I go up to Charlotte's room..There's Stephanie jumping out of the window..DAMN IT! That girl is crazy..

"CHARLOTTE..PLEASE ANSWER ME!!" I say as I go to her..

"Michael..? Ohh Michael..Help me please...Somebody just entered my house and told me to get away from you and I said 'No' and they shot me in my arm and one in my stomach.." She says with a weak voice..

"Damn it...Hold up...I'll call 911"

I call 911 and then I wait like some minutes and they come get Charlotte...I follow them to the hospital...Please god let Charlotte be okay...

At the hospital...

They haven't said nothing since...I have waited over 2 hours here..And I haven't heard from the doctors...Please let her be okay...Then I see a doctor coming my way..Thank god!

"Are you Michael Jackson?" The doctor says as he gives me a look..

"Yeah that's me"

"Well I gotta tell you Charlotte has had severe shots but she's fine..She lost a lot of blood..But you can go see her now..Room 118.

I go running to room 118...I open the door..I see Charlotte laying down on the hospital bed...I go to her and seat on the bed beside her..

"Charlotte..I am here..Are you alright?" I say with a worried voice..

"Yeah I'm fine...But it still hurts...Who did this to me?

"It was Stephanie...She said she would hurt you because I have feelings for you..I mean...Ignore the last part you just heard"

"Wait...What Michael? You have feelings for me? Why?? I am such an ugly girl..I don't like the way I look.." She says as she looks at me..

"Hell no..Girl you are really pretty...Your brownish blackish hair, your blue and green eyes..your smile..You are very beautiful..."

"Thank you..But Michael..I have had something I wanna say...I also have feelings for you...But I am scared because Cameron and Stephanie are crazy ex's they both want us back...I don't want you getting hurt.." She says as I feel a smile on my face..

"I would not get hurt..And why did you step out of class like that this morning?"

"Okay, Okay..I got jealous *rolls eyes* There finally admit it..

I knew it...I knew she finally admit it to herself...So then I look deeply into her eyes and take my hand and rub my thumb over her cheek...Then I get closer to her and kiss her...The most wonderful kiss I have ever had with someone before...

"Michael..Stop" Charlotte says as she pulls away..

"Why? Did I do something wrong? I say as I look at her..

"No is not *sights* I don't want a relationship right now..I am sorry Michael...I have feelings for you..but I have had a rough past...*starts crying*

"Shh Charlotte..*wipes tears* I get it..but forget about the past...Me and you can make a better future..Don't that sound nice?

"Yeah I guess..Sorry Michael..Is just a lot going on...I don't blame you for anything..I actually thank you for being here right now..But...I don't think I can be in a relationship right now.." She says...

"Oh Well..that's okay..*looks sad*

Charlotte's Point of View

Damn it...I messed it up...Michael now looks sad..Why in the world I had to say that for? Charlotte just freaking give him a chance..Michael is not like other guys..He is not gonna hurt you..*Sights* Fine...

"Michael..This may sound ridiculous for a girl to be asking a boy this but..Would you go on a date with me?" I say shyly..

"But you just said.."

"I know what I said...So..You wanna go on a date?"

"Sure.." He says excitedly..

Okay..So I got me a date with Michael..Just give him a chance..*Sights* I hope this goes well...

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