Chapter 60: No Love

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Charlotte's Point of View

Michael left 2 hours ago, and I have tried calling him, I have tried texting him a thousand times...But he doesn't answer...And, I am getting worried as hell...

Then, My phone starts ringing...I excitedly look at the display, and yes, is Michael!!

"Hello?" I say "Michael, where are you? I'm worried to tears"

"Don't worry about me, just wanted to tell you that the kids are staying the night at my parents house..."

"Okay, honey, I love--"

He hanged up...

Oh my god, this suspense is killing me!!...First, Lindsay and Brian have problems, and now I think me and Michael have problems in our marriage too...Ugh.

I need to get my mind off things, I want to go somewhere that I can just talk to somebody. I'll call Lindsay and see if she wants to go to The Diner..

"Lindsay?" I say

"Yeah?...What's up?" Lindsay answers the call...

"Do you want to go to The Diner with me?..." I say hoping she would say yes..

"Sure...I'll meet you over there.."

"Ok..See you later.."

I hang up and get ready, which basically I am. So I get in my car and drive to The Diner..

*At The Diner*

"Lindsay, Me and Michael have problems too..." I say

"How?...What happened?"

"Well," I start "After I left your house, I told Michael what had happened and he just started yelling at me and then he left, just like that. And that was 2 hours ago..." I say as I check my phone for any text or calls from Michael...

Then, at the doorway of The Diner, I see a woman being kissed on the neck by somebody, but I can't really see who is kissing her...Wait a damn second...Michael! He is the one kissing that women neck, ugh...He does hate me, but I hate him more right now. How can he do that to me? He is basically making out with her, Like they are both liking it...I'm so out of this Diner...

I say goodbye to Lindsay and pay for my Smoothie, and go out the back door cause I really don't want to go out the front door, I don't want to see Michael right now.

How can he do that to me? I know I messed up, but, that doesn't give him the right to just go to another women and make out with her...Does he even love me? Do he hates me?...And the most important question...Do I love him?

I get home and takes off my clothes, and take a warm shower...Then, I put on my bra and my underwear and put a bathrobe on...I put my head on the pillow and all I can do is cry...

I go downstairs to get me a glass of water, and then I sit on the couch, still crying...

I rub my belly softly "Hey there..." I say "I'm sorry for stressing you out with what's going on, but, is that, I'm so sad right now...My heart is so broken right now...I'm so sorry, and I love you so much..."

I don't even care about Michael right now, I just want to cry, and I already know how Lindsay must be feeling with what Brian has done, no wonder she has been crying a lot the last few days...

The front door opens, and I don't even bother to look who it is...

I get up to go leave my cup in the sink, when I feel somebody wrap their arms around me. Nah uh, I am not gonna fall for his bullshit again...

"Don't touch me!!" I scream

"What's your problem?" Michael says..

"The damn problem is that, you left and I was worried sick, and then I went to the damn Diner, and next thing I know is you are making out with some slut?...Do you hate me that much, Michael?...Do you even love me??...Apparently not..."

"That was a friend, baby.."

"A friend?" I ask "Yeah right, that was your little slut...If you are really tired of me, why don't you fucking divorce me already?...Ugh, I swear I hate you right now..."

"Baby...Come here, I love you" Michael says as he tries to kiss me..

"Nope, I'm not going through your bullshit again, You just expect me to fall in love with your little tricks, Well, No I'm not going to...Do you expect me to say 'Oh, Michael...You made out with a slut, no that is fine...I love you too'...It doesn't work with me anymore, Michael..."

"Charlotte!!" Michael says "Baby, I love you...Please forgive me...I was drunk for god's sake...I left mad, yes, and the alcohol carried me away...I love you...Please tell me you love me..."

"No, I don't think I can say it...Not after what you have done, you asshole...And, you sleeping on the couch today, Michael. And I really mean it..." I say as I go upstairs and slam the door...

"Baby!!" Michael screams from downstairs...

He messed it up, and he did it badly.

I close my eyes and head off to sleep...

*Next Day*

"Sweetie...I brought you breakfast..."

I open my eyes and my eyes meet with Michael's, so he did sleep on the couch after all...Good.

"I'm not hungry.." I say as I rub my eyes...

"Baby.." Michael says "I'm sorry, I already had to spend one night without you, and it almost killed me...I don't think I can sleep without you ever again...I love you, Charlotte...Do you love me back?"

I think this is my Michael, the guy I fell in love with...The look in his eyes, So innocent...Yep, This is my Michael.

"Oh, Michael" I say as I hug him "I cried and cried the whole night, I felt so lonely without you...I love you so much, please don't ever drink again like that, when you are drunk, I worry about the things you may or may not do...I just love you so much..." I say as I kiss him...

"I love you too, baby...and I'm sorry I did what I did yesterday. Please forgive me and I love you so much...And, I love the kids too..." Michael says as he touches my tummy, Yep, this is my Michael.

"And don't worry, Lindsay and Brian are going to go to a  Couple's Therapist, let's just hope they are good after it, because, I hate seeing her like this, and I just don't like Brian like that.." I say

"Yeah, let's just hope for the best.."

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