Chapter 28: Finally Parents

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Charlotte's Point of View

3 Months Later

"Michael, I can't do this..It hurts so much.." I say as I am in the verge of tears getting contractions..Damn..

"Baby, you'll do fine..Just imagine, in a few hours we will have our twins in our hands..." Michael says comfortingly...

I get another contraction...Oww...I want to get this twins out of me, it hurts...

*2 Hours Later*

"Are you ready to push, Miss Charlotte?" The doctors tells me as Michael holds my hand...and I grip it hard..

I manage to nod.."Ok..1...2...3...Push!" The doctor says

I push as hard as I can, with every damn emotion in me...I push a few times and then, a baby comes out...One of the midwives and nurses takes them to get cleaned up and stuff...The doctor tells me to push a few more times...I do as he says and then another baby comes out...

I can't believe this..I'm Finally A Mom...

I try to catch my breath and then Michael kisses my forehead.."You did great, honey..Soon you will have our twins in your hands...I love you so much, baby..."

"I love you too, Michael.."

Then the door flies open and 2 of the midwives comes with 2 little tiny babies...One wrapped in a baby blue blanket, I believe that's my little boy, Daryl and the other one is wrapped in a light pink blanket, that's my baby girl, Sarah...

The give me both of the babies and I wrap them in my hands...My babies...

I whisper and kiss their heads "Aww, hello little ones...Welcome to the world.."

I look to my side, Michael is looking at me and the twins...He has tears in his eyes...Aww..

"Would you like to hold Daryl?" I tell Michael...

He reacts kinda nervously...but he picks him up..And with Sarah still in my arms, A tear comes down my cheek..

I turn to face Michael, which is looking at Daryl and then I see some tears roll down his cheek and landing in Daryl's blanket...I hear whisper to him "Welcome to your new life, little one..I may have known you like for 5 minutes but I gotta say, I love you.."

Me and Michael put the babies on their Hospital Cribs and Michael lays down beside me on the Hospital Bed...

"Congratulations, Baby..You're finally a daddy.." I tell Michael and I smile..

"Thank you..And Congratulations to you to, baby..You're finally a mommy to 2 twins.." He says as he kisses my forehead...

Then the door flies open, there is Michael's family..and in the very back of all of them..Is Taylor, my sister...

"Aww, Charlotte..How are you, dear?..." Katherine says as she gives me a tight hug and then looks at the babies "This are my grandchildren?"

"Yes Mom, I am so happy I'm finally a dad.." Michael says as Katherine looks at the babies and holds them and stuff...

Joseph in the other hand..Is Congratulating me and Michael and he looks at the twins "Good Job, Michael...I'm proud of you, son"

Michael acts surprise that his dad said that and Joseph hugs him...After they just me and Michael...and Taylor...

Taylor comes near me and kisses my forehead "Congratulations, Sister.."

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