Chapter 74: If You Leave Me Now

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Charlotte's Point of View

"Michael?" I say as I look up at his face...

"Hmm?" Michael says kissing my forehead...

"I love you.." I say giggling...

"I love you too, sweetheart..." Michael says as he keeps on looking down...

"Michael?..Is something wrong?..." I ask as I sit up on the bed "You seem to be real focused on something..."

He sighs and sits up on the bed "Nothing's just, something happened at the Restaurant a while ago..."

"What was it?" I say as I look at him..

He takes a moment to respond, then he throws his head back and lays it on the headboard of the bed..."Remember when you left the table at the Restaurant?...Well, our Waitress was my student, Jessica...I told her that I was there with you...and she left angry..I think.."

"Jessica...That's a pretty name..." I say as I look down at my belly and rub it softly...

"Are you even listening to me?" Michael says pissed...

"Of course I am, Michael..." I say as I feel the baby kick...And, my tears get filled with tears of joy...

"What's wrong, baby?...Is the baby okay?..." Michael asks in worry...

"Yeah, everything's fine... " I say as I look down at my belly and rub it softly "The baby's kicking..."

Michael's eyes get filled with love and care instantly, I love those eyes, I swear..

"Can I feel?" Michael asks as he gets closer to me...

I manage to nod as I feel tears of joy roll down my cheeks, he puts his hand over my belly bump and smiles at me, I put my hand over his and smile back at him...

"Hey little one.." Michael says resting his head softly on my belly bump, I think he's trying to listen to it's heartbeat..."I don't know what to say, except that I am so lucky to have you coming into my life...I can't believe this is happening to me and your mom again...I can't wait to meet you, all I gotta say is I love you so much..." Michael says and he kisses my hand and then my belly bump...

I look down at Michael and smile, he is right, I can't believe this is happening to us again, it seems so unreal...

"Michael, do you really love me?" I ask as I run my hand up his curls..

"Is that even a question?" Michael responds, giving me that "are you serious?" look...

"Nah, I was just messing with you..." I say giggling, and I poke his nose...

Michael gets on top of me and starts tickling my sides, not my belly bump because that would hurt the baby...

"M-Michael, S-Stop.." I say laughing, Ewww, I just heard my laugh...I hate it.

"First you gotta tell me something..." He says as he tickles me even more..

"W-What?" I say between laughs..

"Tell me who's the woman I love the most on this earth..." Michael says teasingly...

"Umm..Let's see...Me?.." I say with sympathy...

"Ding, Ding, Ding...You got that right, sweetie.." Michael says as he stop tickling me...

Then, there's a moment of awkward silence, I don't know why, but it's making me feel weird..Me and Michael are just sitting on the bed, in each other's arms, but there's a dead silence in between...

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