Chapter 75: Pain, Drama And Love

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Charlotte's Point of View

I stood frozen when Michael said those words...I don't think I'm hearing right...Did he really say that?

"A-Are you freaking serious right now?" I say as I feel my blood boil...

"Charlotte, I'm serious...I think I'm falling for her.." Michael says covering his face...

"I can't believe you, Michael..." I say as I feel tears forming in my eyes "I don't even know what to say right now..I can't even look at you right now...How can you fall in love with your student?...And the thing that breaks my heart even more is're married, you have two kids, and one on the way and then you tell me you're falling for your student?...I don't even know what to say right now.." I say as I stand up and walk away, tears rolling down my cheeks...

"Charlotte.." Michael says grabbing my arm, I turn around and smack his hand...

"Don't you dare touch me.." I say angrily, tears rolling down my cheeks...

"Come on, baby, I can explain..." Michael says as he pats his lap for me to sit on..

"First of all, don't call me "baby"...Second of all, I don't even want to talk to you anymore, do you have any respect for yourself or your family?..Apparently not..." I say as I definitely walk away and start going upstairs..

This is it, I'm done...I don't even know what to feel, all I can feel is pain, especially in my heart...How can he say he loves his student with a straight face?...This is it, he's done it...I don't know how anyone would act in this situation, I just don't know what to do..My heart is so broken right now...

But, something doesn't sound right...I mean, I know my Michael would never fall for his student, because he knows damn well that's illegal, but, why is he falling for her now?...Something weird is going on, and I know it...

And all I can think of is of my children and the one on the way, will they have to grow up without a father?...Ugh, all this questions are popping up in my mind...

I slam the door shut and lay down on my pillow and cry, yes, cry is all I have left to do...

I suddenly feel the baby kick, Right now, I know why the baby is kicking...

"P-Please stop kicking, darling..." I say as I rub my belly softly as more tears roll down my cheeks "I know you're kicking for your daddy, but, if you knew what is going on right now, you wouldn't even be kicking for him...I know I'm putting you through so much, I know, but, I just can't stop, I've tried but the stress just keeps on coming, especially now...Baby, I'm so sorry, Please forgive me...And, whatever happens, just know, I love you..." I say as I cover my mouth from crying even louder sobs...

"Charlotte, please, stop crying...I hate seeing you like that..." I hear Michael say from the doorway...

I look up and laugh a little "You hate seeing me like this?...Then, if you hate seeing me like this then why did you create all of this pain in my heart, Michael?...You love Jessica, but you still act like you give a damn about me, Just decide, Michael...Is either me or Jessica.."...

"Charlotte, please, don't make me do that...I still love you.."

"You still love me?...Michael, you just said you love Jessica, how can you love her and love me at the same time, is like what happened with you and Cameron, I picked you, I always picked you, and look what I end up getting, I get hurt again..." I say as I look down to hide my red teary eyes...

"Charlotte, I--" Michael says as he cuts himself off and sighs...

"No, Michael...Is alright, you love her..." I say as I stand up and take off my ring and put it in his hand "Go be happy with her, and just know, I will always love you.." I say as I leave the room...

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