Chapter 99: The Way You Love Me

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Charlotte's Point of View

Well, I was right.. I should have never told Michael about me being possibly pregnant, now that he knows the whole thing was a waste of time; since the pregnancy test turned out to be "Negative" he doesn't look so good. He looks really shocked and upset, I can tell by his shallow breathing and his reaction. Right now, he's covering his face with the palms of his hands, whispering things to himself.. I should've kept my mouth shut, everything just went by so fast.. I didn't know how to react to it. And, Michael is the only one I can talk to right now, since my so called "best friend" betrayed me with the girl that my ex used to cheat on me.. But, it's all good. I really don't care about that now, all I care about right now is Michael...

He's acting all weird right now; pacing around the room, whispering things I can't even hear, and acting like if the whole world is about to end. I get it, he's upset of the whole pregnancy test turning out to be "Negative" but honestly, I didn't think he would react this way. I can't do anything about it, I've tried comforting him and trying to calm him down, but that doesn't work.. And, what I'm scared of is.. If he continues what he's doing right now, I'm scared that he's going to have an anxiety attack. And, I don't want that to happen... Hell no.

"M-Michael, darling, please.." I plead, sounding quite desperate by now. He stops his pacing and turns to looks at me, his forehead dripping with sweat and his lip quivering. I gulp as his reaction and continue "I know you're upset because of what happened, but.. We can try for a baby if you really want to.." He closes his eyes as he starts taking deep breaths. His eyes open up smoothly, the moonlight reflecting the tears that are forming in his eyes.. Wait, why is he crying?

"Charlotte, it's not about the pregnancy test anymore.." His voice cracks, a few moments later he clears his throat "I'm a little upset of the fact that you're not pregnant, but that's not why I'm acting this way... I'm acting this way because of what you told me, the whole Lindsay and Lily thing.. that really broke my heart in so many ways, you can't even imagine. You didn't deserve all of that, really... To be honest, I don't even understand why would she do something like that to you. You guys did everything together, everything! But now, I'm not so sure. Seeing you cry so hard, makes me feel so hopeless and weak... My job is to make you the happiest girl in the world, but whenever I see you cry, I feel like if I have failed..." He wants to say a whole lot more, but he stops and takes a deep sigh. He has a point, by the way.. I never did anything bad to Lindsay, so I don't know why she would do something like that... What if she's jealous? But, jealous of what? She has everything she ever dreamed of; a beautiful family with the guy of her dreams, a beautiful, lovely house, a high paying job and friends and family who support her... Why would she be jealous of me? Anyways... I don't care about that anymore, I've been betrayed by my own family before, so I'm kinda used to feeling betrayed.

"Oh, Michael..." I breathe out, shaking my head "It's not your fault, it's just.. I don't even know how to explain it to myself, but all I know is that you're not the one to blame because it's not your fault, okay?" I explain as Michael gives me a sympathetic stare. It's sweet how Michael cares about my feelings but sometimes, he can take it too far. If something bad happens to me, he blames it on himself and I hate that because it really isn't his fault, unless he created that bad thing. I take a deep sigh and walk towards the window - where you could see the entire city beyond the glass -  I rest my head on the cold glass, as I wrap my arms around me comfortingly. I've been betrayed so many times; by Lindsay, by my parents', by Cameron and by Michael. All of them betrayed me at some point but I'm so used to that feeling, that I'm not upset anymore... It's like numbness took over my whole heart and I can't feel anything...

"Sweetheart," Michael whispers sweetly and comfortingly with a pinch of worry in his voice. I turn my head a little to face him and find his eyes set on my belly, I don't know why he's looking at my belly because obviously, there is nothing there. I look up at him in confusion and he smiles at me, as he touches my cheek slightly "You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I'm serious.." He pecks my forehead lightly as a smile forms on my lips. He's an angel sent from heaven just for me, he's the only one that can cheer me up whenever I'm feeling down and blue and it's cloudy in my head, "I won't let anything or anyone hurt you, I promise.." He embraces me, laying his chin on my head; being careful not to hurt my head. I love when he takes the time to actually comfort me when I'm feeling upset, or "depressed" not everyone would do that, especially for me. You know, now that I think about it.. It's been awhile since Michael and I had some time to ourselves, as a couple without the kids'. Michael and I haven't actually had the time to spend some alone time because of my third pregnancy and work... Hopefully, we'll have some alone time to ourselves soon because I miss it, "Why are you so quiet, sugarblossom?" I giggle quietly at the nickname he gave me and blush lightly as he places his finger on my chin, lifting it up.

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